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Hey!! Well glad u decided to come and learn about me. I hope that a I don't disappoint you toooooo much. TTFN (Tigger... my Idle)

All About Me

My Age and Where I was Born: I was born in Ft. Laud Fla. I am 17 years old. I just turned 18. Yep im 18 now!! March 22, 83

Some Things I enjoy doing: I like my animals, I like to listen to music...anything that catches my ear..I love to hang out with my friends!! I love to drive around on a pretty day, and going to moves. I like the internet, and when I get bored or have things to add I work on my webpage.

Places I like to go: Some places I like to go are like to the Mall every now and then, or maybe to the movies.... go shopping!! (Every girls favorite!!!) I go out on dates everyonce in a while, but not all the time. I also just like to chill at home for a while. All depends in what mood im in really. I am getting into baseball again... and I love to go for long bike rides(when my bike is working).. also like to walk and exercise.

My favorite Foods: I don't really know what my favorite food is. I like pasta, steaks, burgers, and my all time favorite... SALAD!!!! Yumm with Bleu Cheese Dressing... That is the best. I love the Olive Garden, Chillis, and Ruby Tuesdays!!

My Animals:I have 3 animals now. I have my 3 dogs. Callie, Gracie and Jamy.
Jamy is a 4 year old Purebred Collie. U can see her picture on my picture's page. Jamy likes to play ball, run outside, and go for walks.
Callie is a 2 year old Old English Sheepdog. She likes to dig and play and go for walks outside in the cool air. She LOVES to get dirty and roll in the mud.
Gracie is our 11 month old Saint Bernard. Her Birthday is coming up June 19th. She likes to play with Callie and Jamy and also go for walks. She doesn't run off(most the time) and comes when u call her. She is a great dog. She also loves to swim... she is a great swimmer!

Some other things that I havn't mentioned: Well, I really don't know what to say now. If u would like eto chat sometime, send me an email!! I am a pretty good person to talk to, and can be interesting! Sometimes I am not in a mood to talk. But all depends on how my day goes :)

Well ok im done. If I think of anything else I want u to know, I will tell you. PEACE OUT!