Multihousing Missions


Sometimes people will not come to church to learn about God. Maybe the reason is that they had a bad experience in the past. Or, maybe no one has ever explained about God to them...EVER. Or maybe there is another reason.

Whatever the reason, we can choose NOT to go to them, or we can choose to go to them.

In Multihousing Missions we go out to the people.

Jesus set the pattern.

He did not wait for the people to come to Him. The Gospels are FILLED with examples of Jesus going out to the people. He traveled to their villages. He visited their homes. He met people where they lived, and loved them.

And now it's our turn to be His examples.

You see, when people see us really care for them, then they can begin to understand how much God loves them.

In Multihousing Missions we go out to the people.

We go to them, wherever they are...apartment complexes, nursing homes, or wherever.

Normally, weekly Bible Studies are set up on-site to reach people on an on-going and long-term basis.

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Copyright © 1997,1998, Multihousing Association

Last Updated 2/20/98