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Chapter One

“Kim!” Kimberly Renolds, now 18 years old, turned to see her best friend, Holly Ericson, hurrying towards her.

“Hey, what’s up?” Kimberly asked.

“Guess what? He invited me to visit him! To fly down there, he pays, and visit him!” Kimberly knew exactly who Holly was talking about. Her boyfriend, online boyfriend, actually, Josh.

“That’s cool! Are you going? And by yourself?” Kimberly asked, kind of worried.

“Nope. You’re coming with me!” Holly announced.

“Oh, I am, am I?” Kimberly asked with a laugh.

“Yep. Mom won’t let me go by myself, and Josh offered to pay for a friend.” Holly explained.

“Sounds cool to me. A free vacation.” Kimberly laughed. “Look, Holly, I got to get to work. See ya later!”

“Alright, see ya!”

After Kimberly had left her home in Tennessee she used the money she had saved up and that Justin had given her to get a plane ticket to South Carolina. She had enough money after that to buy food for about two weeks, while working at McDonalds. She broke her first promise to Justin when she was 15, selling her pager for 30 dollars, and her cell phone for 50. She tried everything possible as to not break her second promise, she borrowed money from people she hardly knew and worked 7 days a week. But it was not enough to pay rent and buy food and clothes at the same time. Finally she did break her promise and had sex with men for money. That went on till she turned 18, and met Holly. Holly let Kimberly move in with her and took care of her. Now, the two were very best friends and Kimberly was happy with where she was. She had tried to contact Justin many times, but he had moved. Finally she gave up on finding her best friend, she found it impossible.

Chapter Two