From the Heart of a Fellow Firefighter
We sit and wait and wonder in shock and in dismay.
We come from every walk of life, brothers and sisters of the trade.
Walking there beside you, tasting the dirt and grime,
If not in reality then in our hearts and minds.
From across the seas and across the land volunteers and career alike,
We are all right there with you in this time of strife
As you stumble with fatigue through the ash and rubble,
Searching for the brothers you know to be in trouble.
Though exhausted you continue with a strength you didn’t know you had,
Sure if you keep looking you’ll find some little child’s dad.
You have angels at your shoulder as you continue your diligent search,
And we pray they will protect you from upon their heavenly perch.
The sights that you have witnessed are sights no one can comprehend,
We, your brothers and sisters, will be with you ‘til the end
We offer you our strength when you think that yours is gone,
And we offer you our courage when you think you cant go on.
We’ll offer you a shoulder when you feel you need to cry,
And we’ll celebrate beside you when you find someone alive.
Yes we’ve lost our brothers and know they watch from up above,
The only thing that makes it bearable is that they were doing what they loved.
It takes courageousness and bravery to live the life we live,
And a generosity that knows no bounds to give all that we give.
Our fallen brothers gave their all, the most anyone can give.
They gave their life to try and ensure that the innocent would live.
Though confusion, shock, and denial have swept across this land,
Everyone knows that Americas finest and bravest are doing the best they can.
So until this nightmare’s over, just remember that we care,
And that you and our fallen brothers are in our thoughts and prayers.
In this time of disaster, brothers and sisters of the New York emergency services, know that your Firefighter, Police, and EMS family from all across the world is with you in heart and soul and mind. You and our fallen brothers and sisters are in our thoughts and prayers. Remember there are “Angels Among Us”.
Written on Sept. 13, 2001
Melissa West
Tri-County Fire and Rescue Association
Richland, MO