1998 Loft Award Winners
Average Speed
Average Speed "A" Series Short Distance
Bunker Hill * 1239.674 ypm * 1143.001 miles
Average Speed "A" Series Long Distance
Bunker Hill * 1316.077 ypm * 1310.083 miles
Average Speed "A" Series Overall Distance
Bunker Hill * 1279.339 ypm * 2453.084 miles
Average Speed "B" Series Short Distance
Glover's Loft * 1248.761 ypm * 1609.175 miles
Average Speed "B" Speed Long Distance
Glover's Loft * 1261.976 ypm * 1512.662 miles
Average Speed "B" Speed Overall Distance
Glover's Loft * 1255.129 ypm * 3121.837 miles
Average Speed Grand Champion Short
Baldwin Loft * 1232.726 ypm * 3889.252 miles
Average Speed Grand Champion Long
Bunker Hill * 1271.020 ypm * 2620.166 miles
Averall Speed Overall Grand Champion
Bunker Hill * 1251.344 ypm * 4906.168 miles
Champion Bird
Champion Bird "A" Series Short Distance
Bunker Hill * 455 IF 92 RRPC RC-C * 583 points
Champion Bird "A" Series Long Distance
Bunker Hill * 455 IF 92 RRPC RC-C * 583 points
Champion Bird "A" Series Overall Distance
Bunker Hill * 952 IF 95 RRPC BC-C * 729 points
Champion Bird "B" Series Short Distance
Baldwin Loft * 5288 IF 96 JNC BCSPL-H * 490 points
Champion Bird "B" Series Long Distance
Glover's Loft * 6812 AU 96 RTA BC-C * 288 points
Champion Bird "B" Series Overall Distance
Posse Loft * 0026 AU 96 DIL BB-C * 646 points
Champion Bird Grand Champion Short
Bunker Hill * 455 IF 92 RRPC RC-C * 583 points
Champion Bird Grand Champion Long
Glover's Loft * 6812 AU 96 RTA BC-C *288 points
Champion Bird Overall Grand Champion
Bunker Hill * 455 IF 92 RRPC RC-C * 729 points
Champion Loft
Champion Loft "A" Series Short Distance
Bunker Hill * 3568 points * 59 clockings
Champion Loft "A" Series Long Distance
Bunker Hill * 1739 points * 21 clockings
Champion Loft "A" Series Overall Distance
Bunker Hill * 5307 points * 80 clockings
Champion Loft "B" Series Short Distance
Glover's Loft * 3596 points * 56 clockings
Champion Loft "B" Series Long Distance
Glover's Loft * 1586 points * 19 clockings
Champion Loft "B" Series Overall Distance
Glover's Loft * 5182 points * 75 clockings
Champion Loft Grand Champion Short
Baldwin Loft * 6348 points * 93 clockings
Champion Loft Grand Champion Long
Bunker Hill * 3061 points * 38 clockings
Champion Loft Overall Grand Champion
Bunker Hill * 8952 points * 138 clockings
This year I am proposing Dividing the Combine into two sections. This
would let a flyer know how he/she is doing against flyers in their area.
Thanks to the winspeed program this is made easier to do than in the past.
Email: tjano@gloryroad.net