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Welcome to the Niche Gallery

Alabama - Angels Amoung Us


Large Conch Panacea Shells-Floral Shell Pic Shells
ICWW Jewels! BHI Lighthouse Seagull Jumping Dolphin
Calm surf ICWW Gull feeding time Moon/Ocean Shoreline
"US" Topsail Beach Apr. Azaleas Beach Beach Sunset
Nandina & Verbena Hydranga Pickin Turkey March 1999/SNOW Snow 3/99
Don's garden Garden backyard Steamed Crabs:-) Fish/leadedglass

We have only recently learned the dangers of placing family photos out there on Internet for all to see. Yes we are proud of our Children, and we want to show them off to everyone, but think of the not so nice people who want to look at your photo's of your family. One of the most dangerous of all is the PEDOPHILE. Men and women that prey on the innocence of children. This topic is something that we as parents do not like to think about, but unfortunately it is something we MUST be aware of. Do not think this will never happen to me or my child.We all pray to GOD this will never happen, but you must educate yourself and your children to protect yourself from this kind of evil. You may think you and your children are protected, and there is no harm in placing your families photo on the Internet but this is not always so. They can enter your web site without you knowing, download your childs photo and can recreate your childs photo into something that is not so pure. They may even place your child's picture on their web site and offer them to other pedophile to use, and distribute. You may wonder how they can find your child's photo. It's easy. They use regular search engines, they visit family friendly web sites, knowing full well they will find picture's of your children there. We at Women&Children URGE you to take matter's into your own hands and remove all your family photo's from your web site. I have to say I was guilty and placed a lot of our family pictures up for all to see but now that I've learned the dangers of doing so I have removed all our photos of the grandchildren, and are now helping to spread the word to say no to online photos. We hope that now that you know the dangers, you will consider doing the same.


Allison Paige & Jessica Leigh

Take the time to wish upon a star
And don't ever forget, for even a day,
How Very Special You Are!

All Angel Images by Kitty Roach - Her site is one you MUST take time to visit. It's absolutely spectacular! Thank you for the beautiful angels, Kitty!

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Moyra's Web Jewels

Midi from Jack's Shack