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Phil Collins - Against All Odds

An obsession of mine is learning all I can about Type 1 Diabetes. The reason for this is our Granddaughter, Jessica, who's 11 years old. Jessica was diagnosed at a very young age, 15 months. It breaks my heart to see what she has to go through each day, just to stay healthy and alive. We are thankful for technology that allows her to have better diabetes management. We need a cure for this disease! I ask that you support diabetes cure research however you are able. I research diabetic related websites for any information I can find about this disease. Jessica is our little hero. She is the bravest kid I know! Jessica has to have multiple blood sugar checks each day and insulin injections. Her meal plan is different from most of us, including her friends and classmates, in that she must count ALL the carbohydrates she eats and balance her food with insulin. Jessica also has to have her blood sugar checks, insulin injections, meals and snacks at specific times..she doesn't have the luxury of eating whenever or whatever she would like, like most of us. Her sister, Allison who is 8 years old, is the best little sister anyone could ever have. She's very compassionate and loves her big sister, Jessica, so much! Allison tries very hard to help Jessica with her diabetes management. We have many friends to thank for their support. Most are folks in similar situations, they too have a child/grandchild/or other relative with diabetes. I have listed some of my favorite sites, stop by and visit these folks! These are people who are dedicated to making life easier for children and families living with diabetes, until there is a CURE.

Jessica has lived with diabetes around 3570 days of her young life. She has had approximately 18,160 finger sticks (blood sugar checks) and approximately 7,000 insulin injections. All this and she is only 11 years old. These estimates are conservative numbers. When she is sick, there are more injections and more finger sticks.

Allison, Jessica's little sister has something to say!

Jessica and Allison

Why Should You Care About A Cure for Diabetes?

Because diabetes related health care costs per year is estimated to be in excess of $138 billion dollars.

Because the NIDDK for 1998 has allocated a mere $5 million toward the goal of cure research: beta cell encapsulation and transplantation.

Because 150 million people worldwide have diabetes and by the year 2000 that number will be well over 200,000,000.

Because diabetes is the primary cause of new blindness.

Because diabetes is the leading cause of end stage renal disease (kidney failure).

Because nearly 70% of all diabetics will have some form of neuropathy (nerve disease) during their lifetime and many will undergo amputations.

Because 178,000 Americans die from diabetes each year yet the actual death toll is even higher because diabetes seldom gets blamed for the havoc it causes and the deadly conditions that result from it which is why I call it the "insidious" disease-- too many people consider diabetes to be just a "simple little sugar problem" and it is not...

Because diabetics are 250% more likely to suffer a stroke in their lifetime.

Because a child diagnosed at age 3 will have spent well over $600,000 just on diabetes maintenance over a lifetime.

Because a diagnosis of diabetes reduces a diabetic's life span by an average of 20 years Because diabetes kills more people than AIDS or breast cancer combined yet receives only a tiny fraction of the research dollars.

*Most of the above figures were taken from the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International's fact sheet.

The following is quoted from "The Insulin-Free World Foundation":

"By the year 2000 there will be 200 million diabetics in the world, of whom 18 million will depend on insulin injections for survival. In the next 24 hours 1,800 Americans alone will be diagnosed with diabetes; 65 will be blinded by it; 55 will suffer kidney failure; 150 will have amputations-- and in the same 24 hours 1,000 people in the US alone will die from diabetes."

New Multimillion-Dollar Center to Create a Fast Track for Diabetes Cure Focused on Islet Cell Transplantation Diabetes Research Initiative Funds 32 Scientists at Harvard

Juvenile Diabetes Foundation--Government Relations Legislative Alert Advocacy

JDF Government Relations Update - Washington Report

The Only Remedy Is a Cure Campaign

JDF's Walk to Cure Diabetes

In 1994 the American Diabetes Association established its Delegates for Diabetes advocacy program. Today more than 8,000 activists around the country participate in this program by writing, calling and meeting with public policymakers about the needs of people with diabetes. Help educate policymakers about the need for increased funding for diabetes research, better health insurance coverage and an end to discrimination against people with diabetes. Become a delegate for diabetes today!
This link will take you to the online site so that you may add your name to the list of Delegates for Diabetes Advocacy.

Delegates for Diabetes Advocacy

Give Diabetes A Face

Photocard Campaign
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Please participate in the Insulin-Free World Foundations Photocard Campaign.
For information visit


The Insulin-Free World Foundation has just added a discussion forum to
Insulin-Free World On-line. Please drop by and participate in the conversation.

Insulin-Free World On-line

Check out the page at Insulin-Free World's website about The Congressional Diabetes Caucus See if the representatives from your state are on the list. If not, it's time to write them a letter! Become an active advocate!


This campaign was inspired by the love of Stacey Harmis for her son,
Jack Harmis.
Proudly sponsored by the Insulin-Free World Foundation

Diabetes Awareness Postage Stamp Campaign

Margaret Himelfarb. mother of 21-year-old Michael,
diagnosed when he was four, is leading an
effort to convince the U.S. Postal Service
to issue a diabetes awareness postage stamp.
A copy of her letter can be found at
Children With Diabetes


Written By Svetlana Zavyalova, Sergey's Mom

Any family that has a problem affording insulin can call this number
1-800-545-6962. Lilly offers assistance.


General H. Norman Schwarzkopf and Randall L. Tobias
Unveil an Interactive CD-ROM Game for Children With
Diabetes. This CD is FREE and can be ordered online.

STARBRIGHT represents a collaboration between pediatric medicine,

entertainment and advanced technology, working together to create projects that
empower seriously ill children to combat the medical and emotional challenges that they
face on a daily basis.

I want to thank my husband, Don. Without his encouragement, I would NEVER have gotten on a computer. He understands my need to learn all I can about diabetes, because of Jessica. He's the best!

Help find a missing child
Call 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) if you've seen this child
I support the work of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

Moyra's Web Jewels

Midi from Jack's Shack

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