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                  NICK SAYS THE DARNDEST THINGS!!!


"Orlandooooooo..."(From the Orlando Homecoming Concert)

"I would be the monkey's trainer!!" (okie Nick, whatever ya say!!)

"Love has no age." (gooood one!!)

"Do I think a tattoo will improve my sex life? *blushing* I don't really have a sex life right now." (VIVA television)

"No matter what happens, we will always be the Backstreet Boys."(all together now AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!)

"Then we moved to Tampa, which is where I currently resign."(the rest of the boys quickly correct Nick telling him it is reside, but not with out makin' a lil fun first!!)

"I can't say that, it's on camera."(in a cheezy British accent like Austin Powers)

"You don't know that, so don't say it in my face!"(uh oh, is someone having a ruff day?)

"It's all good!"(are you sure about that Nick?? *LOL*)

"Is there anyway that you might be able to not name the actual place that I live?"(Nick asked this question during his Rolling Stone interview)

"When I joined the group I was going thru the midlife crisis of a teenager, if ya know what I mean." (we know what ya mean Frack!!)

"Being on my own with just the sea, is such an escape from all the constant screaming of fans on tour. It's something I need to do to get away from it all."

"We are a group...and it wouldn't feel good if I got all the attention. We get attention
because we are a good team." (yes, yes you are!)

"Before the age of 8 or 9, I really didn't know what my destiny was, or did I?"

"I'm a pack rat, what can I say?"



"It's a Backstreet thing!"

"Ya hear that? That's the ambulance comin' to take these guys away after we beat 'em."

"Hey Nick, what are you talkin' into?"(Howie) "My hand dumbass!"(Nick)

"We're sittin' here pickin' our noses, what does it look like we're doin'?"


"I'm not gonna lie and say we don't love the attention."

"Oh come on, I scraped the mildew off my bunk." (Nick's answer when asked by a fan on BSB TV who the messiest is on the tour bus.)

"Come on, THANK YOU! I don't wanna be the only one." (Nick's response to AJ confessing he has a tree growing in his tour bunk *LOL*)

"Hellooo Jessica!"(Ok so this isn't much of a quote but if you had seen his expression and heard the tone in his voice, trust me, you would have been laughin')