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I have just added this page to my site...and I would like everyone who has had the chance to meet any member of the Carter family to please e-mail me your story and with your permission I'll add it to my page :)


Ashlee's Story:

Well it all started on July 8th,1998, in Jacksonville,Florida. We had been in Florida for a month already and decided to end our vacation by
seeing the Backstreet Boys live. We arrived at the Hilton in downtown Jacksonville,late that night and just couldn't wait to get to the room to
go to bed. I was with my mom,aunt and my cousin Renata who all also love the Backstreet Boys.When we got to our room, the adults fell
asleep,but me and Renata sat on the deck and talked for abit.We decided to go for a litle walk around the hotel for something to do.We got in
the elevator, and we couldn't beleive that to our surprise...Nick Carter was standing next to us. He said what floor and Renata said,"It doesn't
matter." He asked us where we were from and we told him Canada and he told us the quick story on how his close friend(AJ) got ran over by a
bus there. When we got to the top floor(the VIP floor) he said that it was his stop.He got off and that was it...or though we thought.
The next day, which was the day of the concert, we waited for him to come down in the lobby....but we had no luck @ all. We decided to go for a
swim after like 5 hours of waiting. As I was walking to the car to get my bathing suit, I saw the BSB body guard @ the bottom of the parking
garage. I got my bathing suit and as I started to walk down to him, 2 cars came around. In the first car which was a jeep, Brian was driving
and he had alot of people with him and one of them was Kev. The next dark black sports car had Howie and AJ in it and the body guard got in
that car.I got mad that I missed them but I relized that Nick wasn't in any of the cars. We went swimming and just as we were getting out
Nick came around the corner and yelled to us, "is this yours." It was a floaty thing and we told him no and that it was the hotels.he got in the
pool and asked us our names and ages. It was sooooo funny because I was like,"Thats Renata and I am Ashlee, she is 21 and I am 15." Than
he was like "I'm Ni......" Before he had a chance to finish Renata said"Your Nick Gene Carter,born in Jamestown on Janary 28th
1980"They both looked so embarrased.He later told us that he was going to get a couple of tattoo's to remember all the stuff that has
happened to him since BSB. He also talked about Brian and how he was doing and how he was now very in love.He is like the best looking guy
in person..and trust me...he does not look fat in a bathing suit to me. We took alot of pics and he signed stuff for us. He said that the other
guys left because they had to work on their solo's and he did his last night @ the last arena. by this time 5 more people came by, and no one of
them were teenagers. One lady asked him if he would visit her room tonight and he laughed and said only if my friends can come.He was
talkin about us!!!!!!!!!!He said that he would look for us in the audience and we told him that we would be in the 3rd row. He huged us good-bye
and went to his room and not too long later a big van left which had Nick and his Dad in it. At the concert  he saw us and he actually came gave
me a envelope that he passes to a fan in each concert. I read it and it said...enjoyed the talk today, hope to see you soon again and I hope you
figure out what floor you want to go to....Love Nick Carter. I started to cry and beleive it or not but Renata actual caught a flower that Howie
through down, so we each got something. Renata said it looked like Nick had a crush on me, so I like to believe it:)  Who wouldn't. It was the
best day of my life and that night as we watched them cross the St John's river from the deck of our hotel room, we zoomed the video down and
saw Nick sleeping in the fromt seat of his van holdong the basketball pillow we had made for him. Theygot on board a boat and aheaded for
Orlando and that was it but it was good.