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          Enough is enough you guys!!

I know that all bsb fans need to stick together to keep the backstreet pride alive....but sometimes something needs to be said about what has been going on lately in some chatrooms!!!!!!!

this is just my opinion, but this is my I am going to speak my mind!!!!!! hopefully i won't be the only one that feels this way and i will be supported on this view.

the fighting over who is who's girlfriend needs to stop. people getting upset over this is soooo uncalled for!! it's not fair to the fans and especially to the boys.....i have a feeling this is why for so long the boys declined to answer whether or not  they had significant others. you would decline too if your fans got into "screaming" matches over their girlfriends!!

as long as the boys are happy it shouldn't matter 2 cents worth who they are dating!!!!!!!!!!

secondly, the unfounded rumors that go around are beginning to go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too far!!! please, please, please, for the sake of the boys sanity....don't believe anything you hear unless it is from the boys' mouths!! recently, a rumor about health problems with brian spread like wild fire...and it upset many, many, many fans!! and no doubt it upset brian!! so unless you hear it directly from nick, a.j., brian, kevin, or howie....don't take it for all it's worth...and for heaven's sake...don't pass it around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i know that with what i've said on this page i have probably stepped on a few toes, but i hope that we can all come together and be in agreement with this!!!!!!