__after so long - chapter 2

__After So Long
Chapter 2 - Accusations


"Oh my God! Who should I bring?" Meggie asked herself, as the front door to her house swung open. "Will, hey Baby, I wasn't expecting you!" Meggie jumped up from her seat on the couch, happy with the surprise visit her boyfriend payed her.

"I called just a little while ago. But, no one answered," Will said, looking at her suspiously. "Where have you been?"

"No where, I've been home all day. But, I was on the other line long distance, so I just ignored it. I'm sorry Sweetie, if I knew it was you I would've gotten it," she said, apoligiticly. He often got mad at her for stupid reasons, and it made her angry that she couldn't do anything to please him, so she was trying her best to keep him happy.

"Who the hell do you know long distance?" he questioned, glaring at her. He walked past her, bumping into her roughly, almost knocking her off her feet. He took a seat on the couch.

"Nick, and he told me some great news!" she said, while turning around, and going to sit beside him

"Of course he did, 'cause Nick is just perfect, isn't he? If he's so fucking perfect why don't you just go and fuck him, huh?!? I mean, why not..he has a shit load of money, and that's exactly what your after, isn't that right, you stupid slut?!? SEX AND MONEY?!?!?! So tell me, SWEETIE, what did the dick have to tell you?" Will asked, fire blazing in his eyes. His anger always got out of control, even though the situations were often innocent.

"Will, what are you talking about? I don't want Nick, I want you. You know that! Money and sex mean nothing to me. God, what has gotten into you?" she asked. Although he was mad alot, she had never seen him this bad!

He stared at her quietly, slowly but surely intimidating her. "Are you gonna tell me what the good news is or what?" he asked, keeping his voice low, purposely avoiding her question.

"Nick invited us to go see him in Florida. He's even gonna pay for it, too!" she said, quietly, wanting him to share her happiness. "Say you'll come, please! I really want you there."

"When?" he asked, his eyes still as hard as stone.

"Tomorrow morning," she said.

"I can't...and neither can you. I have a business meeting in New York, that I leave for tonight, and you are coming with me. So, hurry up and pack your bags," he said, sternly.

"I am NOT going with you. I have known Nick for years, but I have never met him in person, and there is no way I am going to New York, instead of Florida. Go by yourself! I am going to meet Nick," she said, for once in her life standing up for herself.

"I KNEW IT!!! You just want to go, so you can fuck him, isn't that right?" he said, standing up in front of her.

"If I wanted to fuck him, I wouldn't have invited you! But, now that you won't be there, MAYBE I WILL!!!" she said, knowing that was really going to piss him off.

He slapped her hard, across the face. "Like hell you will," he said, not caring about the tears that streamed down her face.

"Damn it, Will, I wasn't being serious!!! I love you! Why the hell can't you see that?" she said, standing up, the tears still pouring down her cheeks.

"I'll see you when you get back, whenever the hell that is," he said, storming out of her house.

Meggie fell back on the couch, sobbing loudly. Eventually, she pulled herself together, and convinced herself to stop crying. She went to the bathroom, and cleaned herself up, seeing the small bruise already forming on her cheek. "This isn't the end of the world. Everything will be fine, once I see Nick," she told herself. Now, who am I going to bring?" she paused, and wondered into her room, dragging her suitcase out of her closet. "Tammi...Michelle and Natanya," she said, to herself, happy she figured it out. She called her friends and told them everything they needed to know, aside from the fact that Will hit her. They planned on spending the night at Meggie's, to unsure no one got left behind in the morning.


The next morning, when the 4 girls were on the plane, Nick was having an argument with his girlfriend, Katie. "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE MAD THAT SHE'S COMING HERE! MEGGIE IS MY BEST FRIEND," Nick screamed. He had just told her that Meggie was coming to stay with him, and she threw a fit, feeling jealous towards her.

"Whose picture is in your wallet, Nick?" Katie asked, having seen the 3 pictures of Meggie he carried around of Meggie, when he only had one of her...and it wasn't even in his wallet!

"So what? That don't mean nothin'! I got Brian's pic in there, too, and now that I think of it, he is coming over today too! You think somethin's goin' on there too?" he asked, trying his best to clean up his house before he had to go to the airport, but he was finding it difficult with Katie getting in his way.

"That's totally different, and you know it! Besides, you and Brian actually know each other, you and her don't! She is your best friend, and I am your girlfriend. Excuse me if it hurts me that you carry around pictures of her in your wallet, instead of me! If you don't love me just say so," she said, standing in front of him with her hands on her hips.

"WE JUST STARTED GOING OUT! HOW THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT ME TO LOVE YOU ALREADY?" he screamed, feeling ready to pull his hair out from frustration.

"But even if you did love me, you are still in love with her. Just fucking admit it," she said, getting angrier with every word that came out of her mouth.
