__after so long - chapter 3

__After So Long
Chapter 3 - Confessions


"Alright fine then, you fucking asked for it! I admit it, ok? I am so fucking in love with her, and it fucking drives me insane! Are you happy now?" Nick said, running a hand through his hand, before sighing loudly.

"Yes, yes I am, Nick! I am extremely fucking happy! Because now I know for sure that I am just wasting my time on you. Why did we even go out if you were in love with her?" Katie asked. She was extremely hurt, although she had suspected that he was in love with Meggie long ago.

"I don't know. I really don't know," he repeated. "I guess I just thought she was some sort of fantasy girl, that I would never get a chance with. But now we are going to meet and it's all coming together. It doesn't matter to me that she has a boyfriend, it doesn't matter to me that she may not love me. All that does matter is I am getting my chance. That's all I've ever wanted with her. I am sorry. I didn't mean to lead you on. I never did think it would come to this," he said, sincerely, knowing the pain he had caused Katie.

"I'm not mad, just upset. I kinda figured it would come to this. But if you find that she isn't what you expect, and you liked what we had, gimmie a call," she said, kissing his cheek.

Nick agreed but didn't expect that to happen. And that was the last he saw of Katie. He checked his watch, 10:30. He hurried out the door, so he'd be able to pick Meggie up on time. The last thing he needed was to make a bad first impression.


"Should we get our luggage or find Nick?" Meggie asked her friends at the airport. "Luggage...Nick...luggage...Nick," she debated.

There was a laugh from behind her. "How about you find Nick, first?" a voice said, matching the laugh.
