__amour - chapter 2

chapter 2


The next day, everyone packed, since tomorrow was the big day. They went to bed early, because the tour bus was picking them up at 6:00am.

"You guys, the tour bus is here. Let's start taking our stuff out to the bus," Amanda said, grabbing 2 suit cases.

5 well built security guards came out to help as well. "You girls must be 'Amour.'"

"Yeah, that's us. I'm Hally Morgan, this is Amanda Bateman, Megan Willis, Heather Portman and Meggie Carlisle," Hally introduced.

"Nice to meet you lovely ladies, I'm James Zolotin, and this is Keith Parker, Greg Bell, Will Ribisi and John Spano," he introduced.

"Nice to meet you all as well. Just out of curiousity, who are we dancing for?" Meg asked.

"Oh, you dunno? The Backstreet Boys, but they're still sleeping, they should be up soon. Everyone ready?" Will said, boarding the bus.

"Yes, let's go," Megan said, gettin' on the bus as well, as the others followed. The bus soon started.

"You girls can take a nap. We don't reach our destination for 3 days," Donna said. She explained all they're days off and when they'd be working. "You get a week before everything where you'll be able to learn all the dance routines. Fatima Robinson is the choreography, she's great. By the way, I'm Donna Wright,the manager," she said.

"Thanks. You might have to write all that down," Heather said.

"It's all in your bunks," Donna assured them.
