__amour - chapter 2

chapter 3


The girls all went to find their bunks to take a much needed rest. When they awoke, Donna told them that the fella's were in McDonalds, so they all went in to join them. "Why don't we order first and then I'll introduce you to the boys?"

"Alright, sounds good to me," Amanda said.

"Have you ever heard of the Backstreet Boys?" Donna wondered.

"We've heard the name, but we've never heard any of their songs or seen their pics," Meggie said.

Donna placed the orders while Meggie went to get some napkins and straws. Meggie was daydreaming about how touring life would be. She wasn't watching where she was going and she ran, smack, into somewhere. "What the fuck? You got ketchup all over my shirt, you stupid asshole," Meggie said, ticked off.

"May I remind you, bitch, you ran into me. So don't even try blaming this on me," the guys shouted, looking down at Meggie. 'Boy, did I bump into the wrong girl,' he thought to himself. 'She's actually quite good looking, and she's really cute when she's pissed.'

"Like hell it's my fault. I suppose it's my fault that you gut ketchup on me too, huh?" Meggie asked, calming down a bit. She gazed into his blue eyes, and she couldn't help but wonder how she could be mad at such an angelic face. But, then she remembered her new white stained shirt, and she forgot all about that angelic face that stood in front of her.

"Well, no, but if you were watching where you were going you wouldn't have got ketchup on your shirt," the guy explained.

"Yeah, whatever. get out of my way," Meggie said, elbowing him in the stomach. "Dickhead."

"Oh, suck it," Nick said, walking away.

"Sorry, but my mommy told me not to put small objects in my mouth," Meggie said back, but he was gone.

"You ready to meet the guys, Meggie?" Donna asked, walking up to her. "What happened to your shirt?"

"Oh, some ignorant prick spilled ketchup on me," Meggie said, grabbing the napkins and straws.

"Guys, these are the girls. This is Kevin Richardson, Brian Littrell, AJ McLean, Nick Carter, and Howie Dorough, the Backstreet Boys.

This is Megan Willis, Heather Portman, Meggie Carlisle, Amanda Bateman, and Hally Morgan, Amour," Donna said, introducing everyone.

"What happened to your shirt?" the guy Meggie thought was Howie asked, standing up, blocking the guy behind him.

"Some fucker got ketchup all over it," Meggie said.

"Oh shit," someone said, from behind Howie.

"Oh goody. It's the fucker now!" Meggie said, faking excitement.

"Don, do I really have to ride with this bimbo?" Nick asked, annoyed.

"Yes, so you 2 better start getting along, since you have to spend 3 months with each other. And Nick, she's not a bimbo, and Meggie, he's not a fucker. You 2 should start watchin' your mouths. It's no wonder why Aaron has a dirty mouth," Donna said, very motherly.

"Who's Aaron?" Hally asked, confused.

"Aaron's my younger brother. He'll be opening up for us," Nick said, proudly.

"Oh, does he have your charm?" Meggie asked, sarcastically. Donna gave her a look. "What? I just think that 1 Carter is enough."

"Too bad, cause you're gonna have to put up with 8 of us," Nick said, pleased that he was bugging Meggie.

"Chew with your mouth closed, pig," Meggie said, completly disgusted.

Nick just smiled innocently. "Oh, hey AC, wussup?" Nick asked, his youger brother.

"Aww, he looks just like you Nick," Heather said.

"He's so tiny," Meg said.

"He's just an itty bitty bug thing," Amanda said, tussling his hair.

"He looks so innocent," Hally said, in a baby vocie.

"He is absolutly adorable," Meggie agreed with everyone. Aaron sat there, enjoying all the attention the girls were giving him.

"Thank you, but who are all you girls?" Aaron asked, sweetly.

"We're dancing with your brother's group. I"m Megan, and these are my friends, Amanda, Hally, Meggie and Heather," Megan said, to the little blond cutie.

"Oh. Hi, I'm Aaron Carter. The best looking of the Carter clan," he joked.

"Nick, maybe he doesn't take after you. This kid actually has a good personality," Meggie teased.

"Oh, you're so funny, babe," Nick said, happily muching on his pizza.

"Alright, you guys, we best be on our way. Aaron, you comin with us or your family?" Donna asked.

"You guys, but I'm sleepin' with my family," Aaron said. "Alright, everyone, let's go," Donna said. Everyone boarded their bus.

"Any of you girls good at Mario Kart?" Nick asked, as the bus started.

"Meggie is," Heather said.

"Well, you wanna play the master?" Nick asked, standing proud.

"Why? You found him?" Meggie asked, sarcastically.

"No, you dumb blond, he's standig right in front of you," Nick said, seriously.

"You dumb ass, I knew what you were talking about," Meggie told him.

"Oh well, whataya say? You gonna try and beat me or what?" Nick asked, walking towards the back.

"No, I am gonna beat you," Meggie said, following him.

"You wish," Nick said.

"Oh, bite me. You always gotta get the last word in, don't ya? I tried to be nice to you, I tried to just play nice, but you're just to difficult to deal with," Meggie said, loudly.

"Geez, what's wrong with you?" Nick asked.

"You. You're what's wrong. I don't know why, but you manage to get on my nerves so easily. I'm sorry. I know I'm not being very nice, but I'm just tryin' to be honest. I just hate how you always pick on me, like you're God's gift to women. I know how immature that sounds, but oh well," Meggie said, shaking a bit.

"The reason I pick on you is because...uh...umm...oh, nevermind. Do you still wanna play?" Nick asked, turning red.

"Yeah sure. I'm gonna kick your ass," Meggie threatened, trying to be as friendly as possible.

When Meggie and NIck we're done, Nick asked "I though you were gonna kick my ass?"

"I was planning on it, you just got lucky that's all," Meggie said, defending herself.

"Umm mmm, I'm gonna go get a snack. Care to come?" he invited.

"Nah, I think we've spent enough time together as it is," Meggie said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, with attitude.

"It means, well, you can be really annoying, and I really don't like you," Meggie said, honestly.

"I thought we were getting along?" Nick asked, sounding more pathetic then he planned.

"Nick, we don't get along. We weren't meant to," Meggie told him.

"Fine, whatever, be that way. I'm outta here," Nick said, gettin up.

The remainder of the day, and the day after that, Meggie and Nick spent avoiding each other, while everyone else took the opportunity to get to know each other better.
