Amour! Chapter 6!

Meggie and Meg weren't in the room for long when there was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" Meggie asked.

"Room service," a familiar voice said.

"But we didn't order room service," Meggie said, as she opened up the door. "Nick, I should have known." There was Nick and Brian, holdin g bags of McDonalds.

"Would you just shut up and eat your damn food? I try to be nice, and again you bitch at me," Nick complained.

"Oh, would you 2 both shut up? You fight like ya'll are married," Brian accused, laughing. Nick and Meggie had horrified expressions on their faces.They both grabbed a pillow and hit B-Rok with it.

"Don't hit him. Ya'll know he's right," Meg said, laughing too. Nick and Meggie hit her as well.

Everyone looked at each other and screamed "PILLOW FIGHT." First it was Meggie and Nick against Bri and Meg, then it was guys against girls, and then it was Meggie and Brian against Nick and Megan. Megggie and Nick really got into it, beating each other with pillows. Meg and Bri stopped to watch them. Nick hit Meggie and she fell back on the bed. He sat on top of her pretending to suffercate her as she laughed hysterically. Then she just stopped.

"Meggie, are you alright?" he asked, as she laid there, not moving. "MEGGIE?? ANSWER ME," he screamed. Meggie burst out laughing.

"What? Holy shit, flip out," Meggie said.

"Oh, thank God you're alright. I thought I like, suffercated you or something," Nick said, relieved.

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine," Meggie said, just noticing the fact that Nick was sitting on top of her.

Nick's eyes suddenly got big and bright, like a little boy on Christmas. He leaned forward and surprised her with a soft slow passionate kiss. When they seperated, Meggie had a smile on her face. She placed her hands on Nick's shoulders. Then slapped him! He had a very shocked look on his face. Meggie kissed him once more, then pushed him off. "Fuck off," she said, pointing at him. She left the room.

Brian started to speak, but Nick interuppted. "Don't even bother Bri, 'cause I have no idea what just went on," Nick said.

Chapter 7
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