_____Baby Boy
Chapter 3
They arrived at Meggie's house 2 hours later. "Nicky, you wanna stay over and help me watch my younger brother?" Meggie asked.
"Yeah sure," Nick agreed. They walked into Meggie's house and into the kitchen.
"Hey Mom, Nick's here. He's gonna help me watch Will," Meggie told her mom. "Oh, guess what!!! I am going to see Jay-Z in 1 month! I got the tickets!"
"That's good, hun," her Mom said, not really paying attention.
"Are you going out with Dick again?" Meggie asked, rudely.
"His name is Rick. What is it you have against him?" her mom asked.
"He's trying to buy my love, he thinks he can replace Dad, he smells, he's fat, he drinks too much, and he looks like an overly hairy monkey," Meggie complained.
"How can I money be overly hairy?" Nick interupted.
"When you see this guy, you'll complety understand," Meggie said.
"Anyway," Meggies mom said, changing the subject. "What's in the bag?"
Chapter 4
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