__chapter 1

_____Best Friends
Chapter 1

"Nick, why can't you just except the fact that I can totally kick your ass at Mario Kart? I just beat you 4 times in a row!" Meggie said, giggling at the face her best friend, Nick had just givin her, after she had beaten him at yet another game of N64.

"Because," he said, crossing his arm over his chest in a childish manner. "You cheated! I know you did! There's just not other way you could have beat me. It's not possible there, Hon. Sorry! You...are...a...cheater!" He pointed his finger at her, accusingly.

"I am not," Meggie said. "I can't believe you would even accuse lil' ol' me of such a thing! I did nothing of the sort!" She looked at him, innocently.

"Yes, you did. Now I wanna hear you say your sorry for cheating," Nick said, while keeping a straight face. He stood up in front of her, and waited.

"Why the hell would I apoligize for doin' somethin' I didn't even do?" Meggie asked, scrunching her eyebrows up in confusion, and standing up as well.

"Cause, if you don't, I'll have to tickle you. I know how much you love to be tickled," Nick threatened, knowing how ticklish she was. He smiled evily, and started moving his fingers towards her.

"You don't have the guts, Carter. Cause, you know I'll kick your ass if you try it!" Meggie challenged, folding her arms across her chest. As if to prove himself, Nick threw himself at her and started to tickle her. They fell on the bed, him on top of her. He continued tickling her until he heard her gasping for air.

"Guys?" Mrs. Carter said, knocking on the open door to Nick's room. "What'cha up to?" She gave them a weird look, seeing Nick laying on top of Meggie.

"Nothin' much, Mom. We just finished playing N64. Why? What's up?" Meggie asked, curiously. Her family and Nick's were so close that Meggie called Nick's parent's Mom and Dad, and he did the same with her parents.

"Well," she started, fiddling with her fingers, seeming almost nervous. "I couldn't help but notice the two of you sittin' on the bed and, well...you just look so cute together, and, umm...have you ever thought 'bout goin' out on a date?" As she finished, her nervously said sentence, Meggie and Nick burst out laughing. "What?!? Everyone has been waiting until you two realize that you were born for each other. I've thought this since you two were toddlers," Mrs. Carter said, seriously, and not quite understanding what it was they found so funny.

"And who is 'everyone'?" Nick asked, in between laughs.

"Your father and I, Meggie's parents, the guys, BJ and Leslie, a few of Meggie's friends, and some other people," Mrs. Carter answered, with a smug look on her face.

"Oh well...we're just friends," Nick said, quickly, while glancing down at his shoes.

"Well, what about that kiss I walked in on a couple nights ago?" Mrs. Carter asked, proud she had remembered that. She knew when she saw it she could use it against them.

"That was just a dare," Meggie answered, simply, while shrugging her shoulders. "Blame Brian for that one!"

"Fine, but when you finally realize you two are destined to be together, you can come and talk to me," Mrs. Carter said, as she started to walk out of the room, before she turned around quickly, remembering something. "Oh, Nick do you think you could watch Angel and Aaron tonight? I have to take BJ to modeling, and then take Leslie to her competion."

"Sorry Mom, I can't. I have a date tonight," Nick apoligized, looking up at his mother.

"Meggie, could you?" Mrs. Carter asked, hopefully, since Meggie was her last hope.

"Yeah, what time?" Meggie asked, smiling at the relieved look on her face.

"6:00. Now, I gotta go call Bob and see if he arrived in New York alright." Mrs. Carter left the room, closing the door behind her.

"Meggie, have you ever thought of us more then friends?" Nick wondered, looking deep in thought.

"Yeah, I have thought about it and at times, I actually think it might be a good idea, but it would be too weird. We've been best friends since, like, forever," Meggie answered, smiling through her thoughts, then looking over at Nick.

"I can't believe everyone talks about us being together. I thought we would have found out by now," Nick said, shaking his head, amazed.

"Yeah, no kidding," she said, through a yawn. "I'm tired, mind if I take a nap?" She layed down on Nick's bed, before he even had the chance to answer her.

"Naw, go ahead," Nick said, shutting off the light, and leaving, quietly, with thoughts of him and Meggie in the back of his mind.
