__chapter 5

_____Best Friends
Chapter 5

Nick glanced at the phone, and quickly picked it up. He needed to talk to somebody, and he couldn't exactly discuss this with Meggie, considering it was about her. So, he went to his alternative; Brian. "B-Rok, could you come over?" he asked his friend.

"I guess so, why?" Brian asked, curiously. He hadn't talked to Nick since there tour had ended, and now he just suddenly out of the blue called him out to just chill. They rarely ever hung out when they had time off, since they spent so much time with each other while on the road.

"Because, I had a really weird dream I need to talk to you about. It's really important," Nick said, thinking his friend would change his mind. Brian would probably just want to discuss it over the phone, instead of driving for 2 hours to see him. "Please, Bri?"

"Alright. I'll be there as soon as I can," Brian said, turning off his television.

"Thanks, alot. See ya soon." Nick hung up the phone. His dream was still fresh in his mind. He couldn't forget about it so easily. He never expected to dream about his best friend, him and her being together, and in love. "God, she looked so beautiful in my dream," Nick said, outloud, as he gazed dreamily at his ceiling.

"Who did, dear?" Jane asked, as she entered the kitchen to hear her oldest son talking to himself. She gave him a strange look, awaiting his answer.

"Umm, Cindy Crawford, Mom," Nick said, as a cover up, shaking his head from all thoughts about his dream.

"Geez, Nicky, maybe you should think about a girl you might actually get, like, uhh, I dunno, say Meggie," Jane suggested, smiling. If he would continue denying his feelings for her, then she would just have to continue pushing the idea into his head.

Nick nodded his head. "Yeah, maybe I should," he said, sighing, and running a hand through his silky blond hair.

"Did I just hear what I think I heard?" Jane asked, cupping her ear with her hand. "My son actually said he and Meggie might get together?" She held her hand over her heart in mock sarcasm.

"No, Mom, all I'm sayin' is I should start likin' girls I can actually get. Let's face it, I may be a Backstreet Boy, but Cindy Crawford doesn't want me," Nick said, barely above a whisper. "Just don't remind me of that too often, k?"

Jane smiled at her son, as he left the room.
