__chapter 6

_____Best Friends
Chapter 6

"So Meggie, what did you have to talk to me about?" Meg asked her friend, as they sat down at the food court, in the middle of their mall. They had been wandering around aimlessly for an hour, and Megan was patiently waiting for Meggie to bring up what was bothering her, but now she was getting fed up, so she cut straight to the point.

"Well, it all started yesterday. I was over at Nick's house-," Meggie started, taking a small sip of her drink.

Meg opened her eyes, surprised. "How did I know it was going to do with Nick?" she asked, smiling slightly.

"Uhh, you didn't," Meggie said, looking at her friend oddly, while trying to remember if Megan said anything earlier about this having to do with Nick.

"Oh, believe me, I knew all along. I know everything," Meg said, seriously.

"Yeah, that's great, can I continue now? Uhh, where was I? Oh yeah, I was over at Nick's house, and we were playin' N64. His Mom started talking to us and she told us that everyone, not just a couple people, EVERYONE, talks about us being together. Then, oddly enough, this morning I had a dream that me and him were together. Together, together. He gave me a note, explaining that he liked me for 5 years. 5 years!!! I told him I felt the same. Then when I woke up, I started talking to myself. Talking to myself!! And, I told myself that he was hot. Fuck Meg, what the fuck is goin' on inside my shity fucking brain?" Meggie said, a little too loudly. Everyone started looking over at the two, giving them odd looks.

"Well Meggie, I think you're finally starting to realize that your best friend is incredibly hot, and that you 2 are completly perfect for each other," Meg told her, with a big, smug smile on her face.

Meggie looked at her, helplessly. "What should I do about it? I can't tell him! And, besides, I have a boyfriend. Nick probably doesn't even feel the same way about me," Meggie said, sighing, as she jumbled all her problems together.

"Oh, screw your boyfriend. Nick does feel the same way. I know he does. He just doesn't know it yet. We are gonna get you a new outfit, a hair cut, a new hair style, a make over and pedicure. Now, let's go. We have no time to waste," Meg said, gettin' up, grabbing Meggie's hand, and bringing her up with her.
