__chapter 9

_____Best Friends
Chapter 9

Meggie arrived home from her date with her boyfriend at around 2:00 in the morning. She heard some pretty rude noises coming from Meg's room, and she crunched her face up in disgust. "HEY, YOU GUYS? WANNA SHUT THE FUCK UP? I'M HOME NOW," Meggie screamed, banging on the walls. She went to her room, and automatically phoned Nick, needing to tell him what was going on as soon as possible. "Nicky, could you please come over here?" she asked, when he picked up, her voice sounding shaky.

"Now?!? It's 2 in the morning!" he said, looking up at his alarm clock.

"Please? It's really important," Meggie begged. She stuck out her bottom lip, before realizing he couldn't see her.

"Alright," he sighed. "I'll be there in a sec."

He was there within 5 minutes. "Ya know, you should really lock your door at night," Nick suggested, as he entered Meggie's room without knocking.

"Nicky, we really need to talk," Meggie said, very upset, and completly ignoring the suggestion he just made to lock her doors.

"Yeah, I know," he agreed, wanting to talk about what was going on with them. "Hey babe, what's wrong? You look like you've been crying." He noticed the upset look on her face, and immediatly became concerned.

"Well, I have. I've got some really, really bad news. Tonight, Paul and I went over to visit my parent's. They showed me this really nice picture of a house in Buffalo. It turns out, Paul and my parents have been planning for months for Paul and I to move into that house. It's an early Christmas present, from Paul's family, since they own it. At first, I said no, cause I don't wanna leave you, but then my parent's gave me their blessings, and told me not to worry about them. Then they gave me my plane ticket for tomorrow night," Meggie cried, burying her tear stained face in her hands. "I leave tomorrow night!"

"You mean, you're moving all the way to Buffalo?" Nick asked, not quite believing that his best friend, the woman he loved, was leaving him.

Meggie nodded her head. "I'm so sorry, Nick," she apoligized, while crying harder. "I wish I didn't have to go."

"Then don't. Stay here with me," Nick pleaded, grabbing her hands and rubbing the back of them with his thumbs.

"I can't," Meggie said, softly.

"Why? I'm not a good enough reason to stay is that it?" Nick yelled, obviously upset that she claimed to have there deep feelings for him, but was leaving him, anyways.

"No, you are. You're a perfect reason. But, as far as my parents know, I don't love you like I love Paul," Meggie said, crying even harder. "And please, stop yelling at me."

"Oh, baby. I'm sorry," Nick apoligized, pulling her into a tight hug. "I'm just mad that someone else get's my girl. My girl."

"Hey, what's all the yelling about?" Meg asked, as her and Brian walked into Meggie's room, hand in hand, and in wrinkled clothes.

"Uhh, well, you guys, I'm moving," Meggie said, not able to look Meg in the eyes.

"What? Where? With who?" Meg asked, dropping Brian's hand, and moving to stand directly in front of Meggie.

"To Buffalo...with Paul," Meggie said, looking up at Meg for a split second, before looking down at the floor again.

"Hey, what about us?" Brian asked, in a childish tone. "Where are we gonna go?"

"You have your own home, Bri. Go there for once," Meggie suggested, smiling at him, slightly.

"But Meggie, I can't pay rent all by myself. This place isn't cheap," Megan complained, taking a seat on the bed.

"Well Meg, why don't Nick and I move in with you? This place has more then enough room for all of us," Bri suggested, looking at Nick. "As long as it's alright with you, Meggie?"

"Well, yeah, it's fine with me. Just as long as when I come to visit, I get my room back in one piece," Meggie said, knowing how messy things can get with Nick around.

"Alright. So, what do you say, Nick? You gonna stay here as well?" Bri asked, looking at a sad looking Nick.

"Yeah, I guess so," Nick agreed, quietly. "Uhh, I think I'm gonna go now." He got up, dropping Meggie's hand, slowly.

"No, Nick. Stay, please. Just spend the night," Meggie cried, grabbing onto his hand, once again. "Just please stay?"

"Alright, I'll stay," Nick said, sitting back down, and wrapping an arm around Meggie's shoulder, comfortingly.

"Meg and I are gonna get back to sleep. See you guys in the morning," Bri said, grabbing Meg's hand, and pulling her out of Meggie's room, shutting the door behind the two.

"Gee, you guys sure sleep really loud," Meggie called after them. "I'm gonna go change then we can get some sleep. Do you want something to change into?"

"Nah, I'll just wear my boxers," Nick said, indicating to what he had underneath his jeans.

"Uhh, ok. I'll be back," Meggie said, walking to the bathroom, after grabbing clothes.

"Hey, are those the PJ's I bought you?" Nick asked, when Meggie was back, remembering the green silk pyjamas.

"Uh huh," she said, cuddling under her blankets with Nick. She leaned over, turning off the lamp. She layed her head on his chest, attempting to get comfortable. "I don't wanna go to sleep. I wanna spend as much time with you as possible before I leave," Meggie whined.

"I can't believe you're leaving me," Nick said, holding onto her tightly.

"I'm not leaving you. I'm just going away, but I'll be visiting on holiday's and you're always welcome to visit me. It's not like I'm never gonna see you again. Besides, you've been away on tour for months at a time," Meggie pointing out, remembering how much she missed Nick whenever he went away.

Nick sighed. "I love you so much," he said, kissing the top of her head.

"I know. I love you too," Meggie said, looking up at him, and kissing him over and over again. "You look really sexy with just your boxers on, but not quite as sexy as you'd look without them on," Meggie told him, grinning slyly.

"What do you mean?" he asked, having a clue as to what she meant.

"I mean, Blondie, make love to me. I want to make love to the man I love," Meggie said, placing small kisses all over his chest.

"...Paul. Have you and him...?" he asked, unable to bring himself to say what he thought had happened, between Meggie and her boyfriend.

"Nope, this will be my first time. Have you?" Meggie asked, kissing his chest again.

"No, uhh not yet," he said, slightly embarrassed, and a little turned on.

"Do you want to?" Meggie asked, looking at him sincerly.

"Yes, I do, but I don't think it would be a great idea," Nick said, a look of regret and disappointment in his eyes.

"Well, then don't think about it and just do it," Meggie said, moving to his neck, and sucking lightly.

"Are you absolutly sure you want to do this? That you won't regret it in the morning?" Nick asked, wanting her to be completly ready.

"Yes, I am absolutly sure, and I won't regret it," Meggie said, sternly.

"I love you," he said, kissing her, passionatly, while undoing her shirt. He then slipped off her pants and underwear, dropping them to the carpeted floor. Then Meggie took off Nick's boxers, dropping them close to her clothes. Nick entered her slowly, and gently, wanting every moment to count. They fell asleep in each other's arms, before they got the chance to get dressed.
