Best Kiss! Chapter 2!

"Nope, it's Nick Carter," he said, surprising the hell out of her.

"Oh hi, how are you?" she asked, trying to be calm. Even though she was in the music biz, she still got star struck, especially when it came to Nick.

"I'm fine, and you?" he asked, politly.

"Better, now that I'm talking to you," she said, not realizing she was flirting.

Nick laughed in a sexy tone. "We're not flirting, are we?" he asked, grinning.

Meggie turned a deep shade of red, thankful that he couldn't see. "Oh well, so why did you call?" she asked, changing the subject.

"No particular reason really. Just thought it'd be nice to talk to you before the awards," he said, sweetly. "So, heard you just got off tour with 'N Sync?"

"Yep, just today, actually. It was so much fun, but it's great to be back home, ya know what I mean?" she asked, relaxing.

"Yeah, I sure do. Oh, can you hold on a sec?" he asked, politly.

"Yeah, sure," she answered.

He came back a few seconds later. "Meggie, my mom was wondering of you and you're family would like to join us for dinner?" he asked.

"Umm...hold on, I'll ask," she said, setting down the phone.

"Well, I'm back. My family can't go and neither can I because a few of my friends are coming over, I'm sorry, I just found out," she apoligized.

"Invite them over too. C'mon, it'll be fun. Bring your bathing suit, we'll go swimming," Nick said.

"Alright, you talked me into it," she agreed.

"Great, I'll pick you guys up in a hour. I know where you live. Oh wait, Mom needs to know how many people are coming?"

"There's 5 of us including me," she said. "I hope it's not to many."

"Oh no, it's fine. I'll see you in a hour," he said, letting her go.

Chapter 3
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