Best Kiss! Chapter 4!

Meggie started laughing. "'Cause I can't drive for shit. you notice how there's no cars in the drive way? They are all in the shop," she said.

"Forget I even offered," he said, laughing.

Meggie hopped into the front beside Nick and everyone else was in the back.

"Top up or down ladies?" he asked.

"DOWN," everyone screamed.

"Down it is," he said, popping a CD into the CD player. Meggie's voice came blaring out of the speakers.

"Oh God, turn that shit off," Meggie groaned.

"I happen to like your voice," Nick said, turning it up more.

"Well, having to listen to it day after day, it can get kind of annoying," she said.

"Not true. I listen to it day after day and I love it," Nick said, singing along.

Meggie just shook her head and started screaming the words to 'Everybody (Backstreet's Back).'

"That's not gonna bug me. My mind doesn't work like yours," he said. "Oh, here we are."

"Thank God," she said, hopping out of the car.

"Be careful of the dogs, they bite," Nick warned.

After Nick said that, almost as if on cue, Sampson jumped up and started licking Meggie's face. "What were you sayin' 'bout your dogs biting?" Meggie asked.

"I have never seen them do that before," he said, amazed. "C'mon, let's go out back." He led the girls to the back yard.

"Everyone, this is Meggie, but I'm sure you all know that. And, these are her friends Ashley, Marissa, Charlotte and Katie. Girls, this is my mom, Jane, my dad, Bob, my sisters BJ, Leslie, and Angel, my brother, Aaron, the rest of the BSB, Brian, AJ, Howie, and Kev, BJ's friend's Drew and Austin, Leslie's friends, Susan, Natanya, Diana, and Matt, Aaron's friends, Zac, Brad, and Katie and his girlfriend, Jodie," Nick introduced.

"Nice to meet you, all of you," Meggie said.

"Did you girls remember your bathing suits?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, we have them on under our clothes," Ashley answered.

"Well, then jump in," AJ said, splashing them from the pool.

They did so, after taking off their clothes, Nick joining them.

"Gentlemen, grab your partners," Kevin ordered. Everyone paired up. Marissa and AJ, Brian and Ashley, Howie and Charlotte, Kevin and Katie, and Meggie and Nick. The girls got on the guys shoulders and got into a wild fight. When everyone was done, Meggie and Nick were the only one's left.

"Oh yeah, we kick ass," Nick said, happily.

"Meggie, you have a phone call," BJ called from the door.

She hurried out of the pool. "Is it my mom?" she asked, once she reached BJ.

"You really don't have a phone call. I just have to let you know, Nick really likes you. He's liked you since you first became a singer. He requested for you 2 to present the 'Best Kiss' award together," BJ said, quietly so no one would hear. "I don't wanna see him get hurt."

Chapter 5
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