Best Kiss! Chapter 5!

"I like your brother too, but I have a boyfriend," Meggie said.

"Then don't tell him," BJ concluded.

"BJ, that wouldn't be fair to your brother. I'm not going to tell him unless he asks, or makes a move on me or something," Meggie said. "And if he still tries something, then that's just the way it is."

"Just don't hurt him, please?" BJ begged, wishing her brother happiness.

"I don't intend to," Meggie assured her. They walked out back together.

"Hey, you're back," Nick said, his eyes lighting up when he saw her.

"Yep, did ya miss me?" Meggie joked.

"Terribly," he said, sincerly. "After dinner, will you take a walk on the beach with me? There's something I would like you to see."

"Yeah, sure," she said. "What is it?"

"It's a surprise. You're just gonna hafta wait," he teased, sticking his tongue out at her.

"Fine," she pouted.

"Kids, dinner's ready," Mr. Carter called from the deck.

After dinner: "You ready yet? If we don't go soon, we'll miss it," Nick said, impatiently.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go," Meggie said, following him.

Once they reached Nick's desired destination, they sat down on a bunch of rocks. "This is what you had to show me?" Meggie asked, staring out at the ocean.

"There's more. Just be patient," Nick said.

"You're a fine one to talk about being patient," Meggie mumbled.

"Well, this is worth the wait," Nick said.

They sat there for a few more minutes, before Meggie noticed something gray, and shiny popping out of the water. "Nick, I think there's a shark in the water," she said, terrified.

"It's not a shark," Nick said, calmly.

"Then what the hell is it?" she hissed.

"Shh, you'll scare it away,' Nick said.

"Scare what?" Meggie asked, annoyed.

Just then, a beautiful dolphin jumped out of the water, and dove back in with a splash. Meggie gasped in delight.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Nick asked.

All Meggie could do was nod her head. The dolphin's beauty left her speechless. The dolphin did this quite a few times, before leaving for good. Finally, she spoke. "Does stuff like that happen often?"

"Yeah, from what Angel tells me, she see's him everyday at the same time. His name is Flipper," Nick said, staring out at the ocean.

"Hmm, how original," Meggie said.

"You ok? You seem kinda upset or something?" Nick asked, looking over at her curiously.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me," Meggie said, smiling at him to let him know she was fine.

"Sorry, can't help it," Nick said, quietly, not thinking Meggie heard him.

"It's ok. I think it's sweet," she said.

Nick blushed. "So, if I told you I care about you, you'd find that sweet too?" he asked.

"Yeah, it is," Meggie said, growing nervous.

"That's good. Can I ask you something?" he asked, feeling brave.

"Umm, yeah, ok, go ahead," Meggie answered, feeling her heart beat faster.

"Ok, do...umm...are you seeing somebody?" he asked, taking a deep breath.

Meggie looked over at him. "Yeah, I am," she said, quietly.

"Can I kiss you anyway?" Nick asked.

Chapter 6
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