__________best friends till the end
sequel to best friends
chapter 1

3 years have passed since Nick and Meggie said their good-byes. They have seen each other maybe 4 times since then. Meggie visited Florida often, but Nick was usually on tour, or he was away for one reason or another. Meg and Brian started going out shortly after Meggie left, which didn't surprise many people. Meggie had broke up with Paul half a year ago. She hadn't talked to Nick in a year and a half. Meggie stayed in Buffalo because of her job.


"Hey Nick! Bri and I are goin' out tonight. Do you care to join us, Hun?" Megan invited. She had noticed how depressed and sad Nick had seemed lately, and she wanted to get the 'old' Nick back.

Nick shook his head 'no', before saying; "Thanks, but no thanks. I think I'm gonna take a little trip up to New York City." He looked at them, waiting for what they would say.

"Why?" Meg asked, confused. She looked at Brian, hoping they didn't do anything to upset Nick.

He knew that was coming, and he even had an acceptable answer prepared. "I just really need to get away from this house. Everything reminds me of Meggie," he said, sadly.

"Nick Sweetie, it's been 3 years!" Meg said, smiling sympathetically at Nick.

"I know. I thought I was doing alright, but lately, everything just seems to remind me of her. I think this is gonna help me. Trust me, I'll come back as good as new. I promise," Nick said, giving both Megan and Brian a reassuring smile.

"Alright then, Kaos. We'll see you when you get back. Have a safe trip, and call us when you get there," Brian warned, giving Nick a manly hug. Meg hugged him also, and pecked his cheek. The couple then left holding hands, and quickly walked to their car, so they wouldn't be late for the movie they were going to see.

Nick sighed to himself, and went upstairs to pack his bags. He called the airport, and booked a flight for later that night.
