*Chapter 2 - Surprise*

The phone rang loudly, and echoed inside Meggie's somewhat large house. She ran around quickly to answer it. "Hello?"

"May I speak to Meggie Evigan please?" the voice asked, politly.

"This is she," she said, scrunching her eyebrows up in confusion, because she didn't reconize the voice.

"Oh, hello, Ms. Evigan. This is Jack Witter, calling from the Ricki Lake show. I'm sorry this is such short notice, but we were unable to get a hold of you earlier. You are called to come on the show tomorrow," he said.

"You're kidding? The Ricki Lake show?" she asked, surprised, and also wondering what this was about.

"Yes, are you able to make it tomorrow?" he asked.

"Yes, of course. I'll be there tomorrow. Why is it I am going there?" she wondered, her curiousity getting the best of her.

"That is a surprise," he told her.

Through the phone, she could tell he was smiling, so she figured it must be good. "A surprise? Alright, I guess..." she said, as he continued on. Giving her details like what time her flight left, and what hotel she would be staying at. She eventually got off the phone with him, and went to pack her bags for the Ricki Lake show, still wondering what or who could have dragged her to New York City to come on the Ricki Lake show.
