*Chapter 5 - My Girl*

Once Meggie and Nick arrived back in Florida, they took a cab back home. "You guys, I brought a surprise home for you. She's cute and cuddly," Nick screamed inside the house.

"Nick, we already have enough dogs," AJ complained from the kitchen.

"YOU ASS, SHE'S NOT A DOG," Nick screamed.

"Who's not a dog?" Brian asked, wandering into the front hallway. "Oh my God! Meggie, what are you doing here?" he asked, hugging her.

"I walked," she said, sarcastically.

"Bri, honney who are you talking to?" Meg called.

"Come and see for yourself," he said.

Everyone packed into the narrow hallway. Meggie got a hug from everyone she knew, a lecture from Meg, and bit by 7 adorable dogs.

"And, who are these little guys?" Meggie asked, petting the puppies.

"These 4 are my dogs, Mikey, Willie, Housten and Nicky, that's Bri's dog, Tyke, and those 2 are AJ's pups, Panda and Bear," Nick said.

"Excuse everyone for being so rude. I'm Tammi, AJ's girlfriend, and this is Sarah, Howie's girlfriend," Tammi introduced.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Meggie," she said.

"We guessed that much. Nick here, never shuts up about you. He carries pictures around everywhere," Sarah gushed.

Nick started blushing. "So? I missed my girl," he said.

Meggie smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist, burying her face into his back. "Oh shit, I still have to call Terry," she said, hurrying to the phone.

About 10 minutes later, she found everyone in the kitchen. "Hey you guys," she said. "I'm so tired. Oh, umm, do you think I'd be cool if my roommate, Terry came down and stayed with us for awhile?" She can't stay in Buffalo because she can't afford the house. Plus, she has family a couple of hours away," Meggie asked.


Email: wwboybandfanfic@hotmail.com