Both So Young! Chapter 1!

"Nick, could you do me a huge favour and take Chris to daycare, please?" Ginger begged her younger half brother.

"Oh, umm...yeah I guess. Come on Chris, let's go," he said, picking up his 2 year old nephew. They headed out the door.

The whole way there, Chris kept mumbling. "Ms. Kelly pshka vakoom toys," he said, adding in his own words.

"Oh yeah, buddy?" Nick played along.

Once they arrived he took Chris inside.

"There you are Chris. I was getting worried," a young, attractive woman said to the little boy.

"I'm gonna go play with Jonathan. Bye Uncle Nick," he said, kissing his uncle.

"See ya, Chris. I'll pick you up at 5:00," Nick said, waving.

"Your Chris' uncle?" his teacher asked, surprised. Nick nodded his head. "But you're so young!"

"Well, you look too young to be a teacher," he commented.

"A teacher; yes, a daycare teacher; no," she said.

"So, just how young are you?" Nick asked.

"19," she said. "Dylan, don't throw the block or you'll have a time out."

Nick laughed. Dylan threw the block. "Dylan, you go to the coat room for 5 minutes," Meggie ordered, pointing. "I'm sorry, but I really can't talk right now.

"Can you talk when I pick Chris up?" he asked.

"Sure, why not?" she said.

"Great, see ya then," he said, hurrying off.

Chapter 2
