Both So Young! Chapter 3!

"Just let me take Chris in and I'll be right back," Nick said, getting Chris out of his car seat, and taking him inside.

"I'm back. So, where do you live?" Nick asked once he was back in the car.

"Admineral Rd."she said, simply.

The ride there was silent. Once they arrived, Meggie didn't want to be rude, so she invited him in for pizza.

"Yeah, sure. If you don't mind," he said, politly.

"I invited you, didn't I? But I have to warn you now, my house is extremly chaotic," she said, opening up the door.

Screams invaded their ears. "Hey Meggie," a girl a little younger then Meggie said.

"Hey Gloria, how are my little hell raisers?" she asked.

"Same as always. Who's your friend?" Gloria asked.

"Oh, Gloria Miller, this is Nick Carter," she introduced.

Gloria smiled. "Nice to meet you," she said, shaking Nick's hand.

"Would you like to meet the rest of the family?" Meggie asked.

"Yeah, sure," Nick agreed.

"Alright. Gloria, you can come tomorrow morning, right? 1 hour earlier?" Meggie asked.

"Yep, See ya then. Bye. Nice to meet you again, Nick," Gloria said, leaving.

"Alright, Nick, c'mon," Meggie said, leading Nick into the kitchen. "Hey guys."

6 pairs of eyes looked at the pair. "Hello," everyone said.

"Nick, this is my dear brother, Matt, my 2 sisters, Brandy ad Vanessa. These are my twins, Jordan and Skylar, and my baby son, Greg," she said, introducing everyone.

Chapter 4
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