__campaigns & things i support

__________campaigns, and things i support


Get Laid

This is, witout a doubt, one of the funniest campaigns ever!!! I instantly started cracking up when I saw it. Anyways, tell Justin sex is bad. VERY BAD!!


I believe in Pacey and Joey. Do you?
Ok, so I know this has nothing to do with any Boy Bands, but just look at them. Don't they make the cutest couple?? Screw Dawson! He doesn't know what's right for Joey. Pacey does. And he's such a sweetie too. If you believe in Joey and Pacey, click on the image.


I refuse to give any money to these little jealous ex-girlfriends, and that is exactly what they want. Money! And, how are they going to make money? By bringing the BSB down, by sharing all of their little secrets. Puh-leez. I have never seen 2 girls so pathetic. Someone needs to get a life!


Click Here To Join!

Ok, this chick really got on my nerves. Why in the world would she want to give away something that is supposed to mean so much to her?? Brian gave her the award, because he loved her, and here she is, just giving it away. I stil have my ex-boyfriends sweater, and I hardly let people touch it, much less give it away. I thought she was really pathetic for writing a book, but now she has to give away his award. Try giving it back to him!

