Different Perspective! Chapter 2!

"Oh shit, that's AJ!" Meggie whispered, so he wouldn't hear.

"Oh my God, it is," Meg agreed.

"Yo Bone, wait up," a voice called. He walked up in front of the girls. Megan and Meggie quickly realized it was Nick Carter! "Hey, no fair. There's no one for me to ride with," he whined.

"Well, then ride by yourself," AJ said.

"All by myself?!?" Nick asked, shocked.

"Yes, wussie biy, all by yourself. Or, ask someone else. I'm sure one of the lovely ladies behind us wouldn't mind," AJ said, annoyed.

Nick looked behind him and realized that Megan and Meggie were listening to the arguement. He looked at Meggie with a pleading look. "Please?" he asked, innocently. "Yeah, of course. But then my friend has no one to ride with," Meggie said, obviously disappointed.

"Well, what if I got her a partner? Then would you?" he asked.

"I don't see why not," Meggie answered.

"Great. Bri, c'mere for a second, please," Nick called.

"You feel like ridin'? You see, Bone was goin' on with Lonnie, then I came, had no one to go on with, so this pretty lady behind me agreed to go on with me, but her friend has no one to go on with, so I though, who better then my best friend?" Nick asked.

"Well, you don't have to ask me twice," Brian said, realizing that she was the girl he had checked out many times during the concert earlier.

"Alright, ya'll, let's ride it," AJ said, as he climed on.

"Have you been on here before?" Nick asked.

"Nope. Oh, by the way, I'm Meggie Baio," she said, extending her hand.

"I'm Ni..." he started.

Meggie interupted. "I know who you are," she said.

"Oh yeah, you're the girl I kept trying to make eye contact with, but you were never looking at me," Nick said, pouting.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute. We did make eye contact, but you looked away the second we did," Meggie said, realizing he was still holding her hand.

Chapter 3
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