Different Perspective! Chapter 4!

"It might matter in the future. Depends what your answer is," Nick said, smiling.

"No, I don't have a boyfriend," Meggie said, shaking her head.

"Meg, what about you?" Bri asked.

"Actually, yes, I do have a boyfriend," she said. "Alright, my full name is Megan Cara Jonathan. My b-day is July 27. I'm 24 years old. My dad's name is Austin, my mom died about 10 years ago, but I'd really rather not talk about that. I have 1 brother, Sylvester, he's 23,and 1 sister Janeane, she's 22. I was born somewhere in Alberta, small town. Then I moved to Winnipeg, and then to Niagara Falls. And, I basically enjoy doing the same things as Meggie," Megan said.

There was a knock at the door. Nick got up to answer it. "Oh goody, pizza's here," he said, practically throwing the money, and snaching the pizza.

"Dig in, girls," Kevin said.

Everyone grabbed pizza, ate, and made small talk. Their was yet another knock on the door. "Nick could you get that?" Kev asked.

"Can't you see I'm busy? I'm trying to eat here," he said, grabbing his seventh piece of pizza.

"I'll get it," Bri said, getting up. He slapped Nick as he walked by him. "Hey you guys. C'mon in."

3 girls walked into the room.

" Megan and Meggie, this is AJ's girlfriend Brooke, Howie's girlfriend, Natanya, and Kev's girlfriend, Justine. They tour with us," Brian introduced.

There was a round of 'Nice to mett you's'.

Brooke, Justine, and Natanya all grabbed what was left of the pizza. "Thanks for saving us some, Nicky," Brooke said.

"I wasn't the only one eating, you know?" he said, still stuffing his face.

"But, you ate the most," Meggie blamed.

"Did not," he said, grabbing another piece.

"My point exactly," Meggie said. "Kick ass, Nintendo. Mind if I play?"

"It's Nick's, but since he seems to have his mouth full, go right ahead," Bri said.

Nick popped him the finger, and swallowed. "Can I play too?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure," Meggie said, holding a controller for him.

He dropped his pizza and ran to grab it.

"If it's not food, it's video games," Kevin said, shaking his head disapprovingly.

"What game? What game?" Nick asked, eagerly.

"Mario Kart," Meggie said.

"Alright, I am the master at that game. Do you play often?" he asked, picking his player.

"No, I've never played this game," she confessed.

"Don't worry, I'll go easy on you," he said.

"Don't bother." They started the race. It was Nick in the lead, but at the end Meggie caught up and beat him.

"Never played before, my ass," Nick said.

Meggie laughed. "It was simply beginners luck," she said.

"Well, I sure got me the right kinda girl, she's hot, and she can kick my ass in Nintendo," he laughed.

"Who says you got me?" she asked, teasingly.

Chapter 5!
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