Does Age Really Matter? Chapter 1!

"Donna, can I use your car? Bri has mine, and I need to pick my cousin up at the airport," LeighAnne told her boyfriend's manager.

"I'm sorry, Leigh, Johnny has it. People just can't use their own cars today, now can they?" Donna said.

"I'll give you a ride," Mandy, LeighAnne's step-sister offered.

"Thanks Mandy," she said, hurrying after Mandy.

"Could you remind me again why she's staying with us?" Mandy asked. For some reason, she didn't like her cousin that much. Even though she was 4 years younger, she always managed to get the guys Mandy liked, to like her instead. She just hoped it wasn't the same way with Nick.

"Because, she was too much for her parents to handle," Leigh said.

"And, you're supposed to do better? You're only 19," Mandy said.

"Yeah, but Auntie Sam feels I'll be able to reach her better, being only 4 years older and all," LeighAnne said. "I only hope she's right. Auntie Sam said she's on drugs, and she sleeps around and stuff."

'Figures', thought Mandy.

"I'm not sure if I believe it though. That doesn't sound like Meggie. Sure, she might be crazy, but that's just her personality. That doesn't mean she's a druggie and slut," LeighAnne defended.

"Well, have you talked to her about it?" Mandy asked.

"Nope, but I am going to. I'm just happy I'm always able to tell when she's lying," Leigh said, thankfully.

"Alright, let's go. What gate?" Mandy asked.

"36N," LeighAnne said, hurrying away, with Mandy on her heels.

"Isn't that her? Over there in the blue," Mandy asked, pointing.

"Yes, oh my God," she said running. "Meggie!"

"Hey Leigh," Meggie said, hugging her cousin.

LeighAnne and Mandy took a step back, expecting her to go flip mode or something.

"I'm not gonna do, what everyone thinks I'm gonna do. Just flip out," Meggie said, quoting her fave movie, Half Baked.

"Oh God, I hear enough of that from Nick," Mandy complained.

"Oh yeah, who's Nick?" Meggie asked.

"Nick is my boyfriend's best friend," LeighAnne explained. "You'll meet him later."

"Alrighty then," she said, as she walked out of the airport. "Yes, it's raining."

"You like rain?" Mandy asked, in an annoyed tone.

"I love it," Meggie exclaimed in a sing song voice.

"Nick hates it," Mandy said.

"Well, Nick can cry me a river," Meggie said. "Are you and Nick an item?"

LeighAnne burst out laughing. "Only in her dreams. Nick said, he could never think of her that way, 'cause it would make him hurl," she said, still laughing.

"Shut up. He likes me," Mandy whined.

"Yeah, likes to get rid of you,"Leigh said.

Mandy walked grumpily ahead, to the car.

Chapter 2
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