Does Age Really Matter? Chapter 2!

Once they arrived at home, Meggie jumped out of the car. "I'm gonna go dance in the rain," she said, running to the back.

LeighAnne and Mandy walked into the house, surprised to see the boys alrady there. "Where's your cousin?" Brian wondered confused.

"She's out back, dancing," LeighAnne said.

"It's raining," AJ pointed out.

"Why do you think she's out there?" Leigh said.

"Isn't she odd, Nick? She likes the rain," Mandy said, trying to get Nick to notice her.

"Wait, let me get this straight, it's pouring rain, and she's dancing?" Nick asked.

"Yep, she's strange. And, guess what? She was imitating that movie you like, Half Baked," LeighAnne told him.

"She was? Cool. I'm gonna go introduce myself," he said, hurrying out the back door.

Chapter 3
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