Does Age Really Matter? Chapter 3!

"Hey, I'm Nick," he introduced.

"Oh,s o you're the one Mandly likes," Meggie said, putting the pieces together.

"Unfortunatly," he said.

Meggie laughed, and introduced herself. "So, you dance?" she asked.

"Yeah, why?" he wondered.

"Because, you are going to dance in the rain with me," she said. She started dancing around the yard. "C'mon," she urged.

"What if someone's watching?" he asked.

"THEN WAVE," she screamed. She grabbed his hands and started swing dancing with him. "Leigh, why is Nick dancing, half naked, in the rain, with some girl?" Aaron asked, from the kitchen window.

LeighAnne walked over to the window, and there was Nick dancing with Meggie, with his shirt off. "Oh my God, you guys, come look at this," Leigh said.

Everyone walked over to the window. "That boy has gone mad," AJ declared.

"Too bad I left my camcorder at home," Kev said.

"Yeah, I guess a camera's gonna have to do," Leigh said, grabbing her camera, and heading outside. She snapped away and got pretty good pictures. The last one was definatly the best, Nick was dipping Meggie and they looked like suck a loving couple, with not a care in the world.

Chapter 4
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