Falling for Popularity! Chapter 11!

"Hey Meg, wake up," I heard someone say, as they shook me awake.

I looked up to see Morgana smiling down at me. "Are we there yet?" I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Nope, we just stopped to for food. C'mon, let's go," she urged.

"K, I'll be there in a sec. Just lemme wake up Nick," I said, referring to the sleeping man, laying on my shoulder.

"Alright, have fun," she said, leaving.

"Nick," I said, tapping his head. I lightly pulled on his blond locks, but I still didn't get a reply. "Nicky, c'mon, wake up." I moved my shoulder.

He dropped his head to my lap, and mumbled; "Lemme sleep."

"No way, Jose. It's time to get up," I said.

He opened his eyes, slightly. "Your no fair," he complained, sitting up.

"That's nice. Now c'mon, I'm starving," I said, pushing him into the aisle.

"Thank you so much. You think they serve breakfast at 3:00 in the afternoon?" he asked, getting up.

Chapter 12
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