Falling for Popularity! Chapter 13!

We laughed loudly, entering mine and Nick's cabin. I had walked back with Morgana, Sonny and all the kids. I had started to downpour 5 minutes ago, so we were soaked. "You guys are lucky Sonny made you wear your raincoats," I said, looking down at my tank top and shorts I had on.

Nick entered the room with the kids following behind. "Look at you!" he exclaimed. "You're soaking wet."

"Thank you, Mr. Obvious," I said.

He shook his head, and left the room, entering our room. He came back with a towel, in one hand, and Nike pants, and a t-shirt in the other. "Here. Go dry yourself off, and change," he said, handing me everything.

"Thanks. Uhh, Nick, these are your clothes," I pointed out.

"Thank you, Mrs. Obvious," he said, mimicking me from earlier.

"Ooh, that means you two are married," 10 year old, Bobby said.

Nick and I turned red. He bent down, so he was eye level with Bobby. "Don't make me tell Jenny that you have a crush on her," Nick said, loudly.

Bobby crossed his arms and stormed away, to sit on a bed, and Jenny turned bright red, as her friends pulled on her ponytails. I shook my head, and went to change.

When I came out, I saw everything had been set up. The lights were out, and the candles were lit, and placed around the room. I smiled and took a seat on the floor between 2 of the kids, and listened to the story Nick was telling.

Chapter 14
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