Falling for Popularity! Chapter 15!

After Sonny, Morgana and the kids had gone back to their cabin, and all the kids had fallen asleep, we were just chillin', enjoying the peace and quiet while it lasted. I heard Nick yawn loudly. "Tired?" I asked him.

"Just a bit," he said, as thunder boomed throughout the room. I guess he heard me gasp, because he asked me if I wanted to join him in his bed.

"Yeah, sure, I guess," I said, grabbing my pillows and joining him. "Thanks hun."

"Yep. I never knew you were afraid of thunder," he said, turning to face me.

"Well, I was locked out of my house once, during a really bad thunderstorm, and ever since then I've been terrified of thunderstorms," I explained, slightly afraid he was gonna laugh at me.

He sat up on his elbow, and gave me a confused look. "How did you get locked out?" he asked.

"I had forgotten my keys, and no one was home," I said.

"Well, you don't have to worry about that here," he said, wrapping his arms around me, I guess to make me feel safe.

"Thanks," I said, softly. I looked at him, seeing the moon that shined in the window, also shining on his face.

"Meg...umm, can I kiss you?" he asked, sweetly.

Chapter 16
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