Falling for Popularity! Chapter 16!

{Warning: This chapter has sexual situations. If you can't handle it, read the edited chapter.}

"You better," I said, smiling.

Nick smiled too, and leaned forward making our lips meet. Almost immediatly, he slipped his tongue into my mouth, reminding me of our first kiss at the movies. I grabbed his shirt, and pulled him on top of me, wanting to feel his body against my own. He pulled away, and started tracing the outline of my face with his thumb, and then moving onto my lips. "Ever since that time at the movies, I've missed kissing you," Nick said, quietly.

"Nick, I never, ever wanted your money. I like you because your sweet, amazing, handsome, caring, funny, the list could go on forever. But, you could not find money anywhere on that list," I said, as I bit my lip, afraid I would start crying.

"Shh, I know hon, I know. I'm sorry I didn't realize it sooner. I guess I'm just too damn stubborn," he said, kissing my neck.

"Nick, shut up and keep doin' that," I said, staring into his eyes.

He smiled, sweetly. "Your wish is my command, my sweet," he said, his eyes twinkling. He continued kissing my neck, as I tangled his hair in my fingers, then moved down to the bottom of his wife beater, slowly pulling it up. He broke the kiss, so I was able to take offhis shirt. "My turn," he sang, slowly inching up my gray tank top, and tossing it on the floor once it was off. "Has anyone ever told you, you are so beautiful topless?" he whispered, kissing my shoulder.

"No one has ever seen me like this," I told him, smiling when he looked at me.

He smiled back. "I'm glad to hear I've been the first," he said, kissing my neck, and shoulder. He brought his strong hand up to my breast, squeezing gently, while licking his way from my shoulder to my other breast, licking a spiral until he reached my nipple. He took it in his mouth, tugging lightly, after bringing it to a hard peak, and then did the same with the other nipple.

"Nick," I sighed his name. He looked up at me slyly, and I smiled at him.

"Ya like that, don't 'cha?" he asked, raising his eyebrows at me.

"Uh huh, I sure do. Lay on your back, Nick. I wanna please you now," I said, pushing him onto his back. "Can I take your pants off? Or are you shy?" I asked.

Chapter 17
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