Falling for Popularity! Chapter 18!

{Warning: This chapter contains sexual situations. If you cannot hadle it, read the edited chapter.}

"This is going to be fun," Nick said, placing his hand on my thigh, and brushing his fingertips along, as he felt my wetness. "Mmm, I like that," he whispered, plunging one finger inside of me. After hearing my reaction, a series of groans, he added 2 more fingers, while his thumb massaged my clit.

"Nicky, I need to feel your tongue in me please," I begged, whimpering. He smiled up at me, although I couldn't see, because my eyes were tightly shut. He took out his fingers, licking them clean. He spread apart my lips, and entered me with his tongue. He put his hands on my hips, and brought me closer to his mouth. He ran his tongue along my slit, then started sucking on my clit, making me pant, and moan his name. "Nicky, I'm gonna...I'm cumming," I groaned, as my body trembled. He drank up my juices, greedily.

"That was...amazing," I said, trying to regain control of my breathing.

He started placing kisses all over my body. "I want you," he said, breathing on my neck.

"Then have me. I am yours," I said, bringing him down on top of me.

He spread my legs apart. "This is gonna hurt," he warned, kissing my chest.

"I can take it," I said. He nodded his head, and slowly entered me. I closed my eyes, wincing. Once he was in me completly, he kept still, letting me get used to the feeling of him inside of me.

"Are you alright, honey?" he asked, sweetly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Keep going," I said, smiling at him for assurance. He smiled as well, before continuing. He thrusted in and out of me, then reached in between our bodies to play with my clit.

"You feel so damn amazing, baby. So tight, so good, " he moaned, kissing my neck.

"Nick, harder. Don't be gentle. I can handle it," I said, more like moaned. The feeling of him pumping inside of me, was too much, as I felt my orgasm begin. My muscles contracted around Nick, as I felt him shoot his load inside me.

"I'm cumming," he said, throwing his head back in ecstasy. We laid there, breathing heavily, until he pulled out and rolled off of me.

I lightly placed my hand on his cheek. "I have a confession to make. I've fallen in love with you," I said, softly.

"I have a confession too. I fell in love with you along time ago," he said, bringing me close to him so he was able to kiss me.

"We should get dressed," I suggested, putting my hand on his arm.

"Do we hafta? I wanna wake up next to you, naked," he said, nibbling on my ear.

"Mmm, as nice as that sounds, I don't wanna scare the kids when they come in to wake us up," I said.

"Fine. Can I at least sleep in the same bed as you? I wanna be able to hold you in my arms all night," he said, giving my the puppy dog eyes.

"Of course, my kind sir," I said, as we got up, and got dressed.

Chapter 19
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