Falling for Popularity! Chapter 5!

"Oh my God! I can not believe she just said 'yes'," Nick said, jumping up and down on his bed.

"Frack, would you mind calming down, and getting your ass ready?" Brian said.

"But, she said 'yes' to me; Nick Carter," Nick said.

"I figured that out the first billion times you told me. Now, get your ass in that bathroom, or else we are going to be late," Brian said.

"Oh geez. No need to get all pissy," he muttered, going into the bathroom.


"Nick, just go up and knock on the door. She's not a damn psychic," Morgana said.

"Fine. Words of encouragement would have been nice, but screaming will do," Nick said, quickly getting out of Brian's jeep.

He laughed when he heard Brian scream "You could do it, all night long," imitating the guy from 'The Waterboy'. He rang the bell and waited.


The doorbell rang, meaning Nick was here. I grabbed my purse from the table, and quicly answered the door. "Hey Nick. Lookin' good," I said, smiling as I looked him up and down.

"Yeah, well you look good enough to eat," he said, blushing after he realized what he said.

"I'll take that as a compliment, instead of thinking you're a pervert," I said, laughing as we walked to the car.

"I'm not. I swear. I just think you look good," Nick complimented.

"Relax, hun. I know you're not a perv," I said, as he opened the door for me. I jumped in, and Nick was right behind me.

"Brian, this is Meghan. Meg, Bri is my best friend. And, you already know Morgana," Nick introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Brian. Hey Morgana, what's up?" I asked.

"Hey," she said, simply.

"So guys, what movie are we going to see?" Brian asked.

"I thought you wanted to see 'American Pie', B?" Nick asked.

"I do. I just wanna ok it with the ladies," Brian said.

"It's fine with me," I said.

"Me too," Morgana agreed.

Chapter 6
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