Falling for Popularity! Chapter 6!

"Hey! You want some popcorn?" Nick whispered, leaning towards me.

"Yeah, sure," I said, taking some. We smiled at each other as our hands brushed against each others in the popcorn box.

"I wonder if they're enjoying the movie," Nick said, nodding towards Brian and Morgana.

I turned and giggled, seeing the two making out. "I never pictured Morgana to go do that in public. She seems so shy," I whispered, loudly.

"Would you guys shut up? We are trying to watch the movie," Brian said, annoyed.

Nick and I busted out laughing. "C'mon, let's move before they bitch at us for being the ones actually watching the movie," Nick suggested, getting up.

"Good idea," I agreed, taking his out streched hand. We moved to the back, directly behind them. 10 minutes after sitting down, Nick started squirming around in his seat.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, but I have an idea," he said.

"Ok, what is it?" I asked.

"Can I see the popcorn, please?" he asked, politly.

I handed it to him, and watched as he took some, and threw it at Brian and Morgana. I saw them turn around, shrug their shoulders, and continue making out. Nick continued throwing the popcorn, until it was gone. He had an upset look on his face, but he started watching the movie again.

I shifted around uncomfortably. I had a spring digging into my butt, and unless I leaned to the right, it wasn't going away. So, I made a pillow out of Nick's shoulder. He smiled at me, kissing my forehead, and wrapping his arm around me.

"Aww, isn't that sweet? I don't think I've seen a cuter reject around my girlfriend," we heard a voice say.

Looking in front of us, a few rows ahead, we noticed Ryan and a bunch of his friends. "Oh my God! Give it up already. I'm not your freaking girlfriend," I said, louder then I had intended. Everyone turned and shushed me.

I mumbled something, crossed my arms, and turned my attention back to the movie.

Nick sighed, resting his arms on the arm rests. "Do you wanna go?" Nick asked.

"No, why? Do you?" I asked him.

"No, I just thought you'd wanna go 'cause of Ryan," Nick said, still whispering.

"No way. I refuse to let him ruin this night. I wouldn't dare give him the pleasure," I said, grabbing his hand, and resting my head on his arm.

He looked down at me, and smiled. "I was hoping you'd say that," he said.

I reached up and brused my fingertips along his cheek. "So gorgeous," I murmered, cupping his cheek and bringing his face closer to my own. I could feel him breathing against my lips. "Nick?" I whispered.

"Yeah?" he asked, licking his lips.

"Kiss me," I ordered. He slowly closed the gap inbetween our 2 faces, lightly pressing his lips against mine. It started out as a sweet, innocent kiss, the kind you'd only see in fairy tales, but it soon turned passionate. I opened my mouth slightly, tracing my outline of his lips with my tongue. His lips that his own tongue had touched moments ago. He took the hint, and opened his mouth, allowing my tongue entrance. Our tongues fought violently in a war to show what we were both feeling at that intense moment.

Chapter 7
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