Fun on Vacation! Chapter 1!

"Mom did you pack my toothbrush?" 18 year old Katie Hunington asked her mom Colleen as she ran down the stais.
"No hun, i told you to." Her frustrated mother replied.
"Oh...Yeah now I remember." Katie ran back up the stairs to the bathroom for find her purple toothbrush. 'Gosh, i hate how my memory works sometimes' she thought.
See Katie, her mom Colleen and her dad Patrick were getting ready to head up to the Orlando Air port to catch a plain to thier island- Dolphin island. Colleen and Patrick owned this island and it was a private island. There were only two houses on it. Every year they would go to the island and stay there the whole summer. It was kinda a tradition that they did that every year. long with that tradition they would invite their next door neighbors, The MacCarthys, to join then in the extra house.
Katie ran next to her room to grab all of her C.D's. she grabed 'N*SYNC, 98*, Limp Bizket, Jorden Knight, Monica, Madonna and a few more of her favs. Then she went downstairs with her parents to jump in the car.

~On the way to the Airport~

"Mom, why do we have to invite the MacCarthys evey year to come with us? Caroline is so snobby (she's 16) and Mike is just a total perv.," Katie complained.
"Oh, I did'nt tell you? The MacCarthys cancled last week. so I called up you dads and my old colledge friends, Jane and Bob Carter, and they are comming. They'll meet us at the ariport -(she looks @ her watch) - in about 1 hour."
"Do they have any kids?," Asked Katie hopeing that they did and they were boys and they were cute and they were her age.....
"Why yes infact they do. You've met them before but only three are comming. well actually you've only met one- Nicky. He's in a band or something like thinat. The other two are twins and younger then him"
"When did i met him," Katie questioned her mom
"Oh, when you were little you two used to take baths together. You looked so cute together,"Her mom replied thinking back to the days when the Carters and the Huningtons used to live by eath other in New York. Then the Huningtons had to move to Flordia because of Patricks job and the two familys lost touch. Infact, The first time since the Jane and Colleen talked was last week when Colleen invited them to come with. And it turnes out the The Carters live in Tampa bay the town right next to where the Huningtons live. What a small world, huh??
"I took baths with him?" Katie said outloud wanting to know what hes like now.
"Yes indeedy sweety, I have the pictures to prove it," her mom said cheerfuly.
About five minutes lator they pulled into the Orlando international airport. Katie was getting restless about seeing Nick- or "Nicky as her mom called him. She also wanted to she the two twins.
They got their luggage checked and everything else like that done. Katie asked her mom if she could go the the little music stand that was selling c.d.'s. Her mom said that she could so she headed for it. They had a bunch of cd's so she decided to go for The Backstreet Boys:Millenium. She paid the man and she stuffed the c.d. in her backpack that she was useing as a carry along bag. She waited 15 more minutes until this woman called them up to board the plane. She was getting worried that the Carters would'nt come. She really wanted to meet Nick (well, actually see him again).
She settled in her seat. There were only six seates on the plane since it was private and going to a really small island. A few minutes went by, then somemore, then more, then more, and again some more when finally this cute little, problay 10 years old , blond boy with a Nintendo 64 clutched to his chest came through. Then a little girl that looked alot like the boy. The an older blond woman, then a man. A few moments later a tall blond guy stepped into the plain...

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