Fun on Vacation! Chapter 2!

The tall blond boy looked up to see Kaite stairing at him. He thought 'wow, she is hot.' He smiled then walkd over to to her and sat down in the seat next to her. She could feel heself getting nervious.
"Hi, I'm Nick," He stock his hand out and gave her one of his famous carter grins.
"Hi, I'm Katelyn but you can call me Katie," She put her hand out and took his.
While they were shaking hands Jane aplogized for being late and said rather loud, "I'm sorry for being late. nick would'nt get out of the bathroom because he was ixing his hair for like two hours."
Katie looked over at Nick and she noticed that he was blushing. She said, "I think i looks nice."
He smiled and said, "Thanks."
Then Katie looked down and noticed that they were still shakeing hands. She laughed and took her hand away from his. She did'nt want to though. there was something about his touch that felt so good so mysterous.
There was an auckward pause. Katie as thinking about what to say to this greek god look alike. And Nick was wondering why she did'nt faint whn she saw him. He finally comcluded that she did'nt kiw who the Backstreet boys were. He was glad about that. He liked a girl to like him for what ihe is not what he does and hoe much he gets paid for for doing it. Finally Katie borke the pause...
"My mom tells me that you are in band or something?"
"Yeah its nothin' much," he lied, "just a group of guys and I sing together."
Katie could'nt think of anything to say so she just said, "oh".
There was another pause. Then the piolet announced over the intercom that the plain was leaving now so "prepair to take off" and that they should be at the island in 1 hour and 10 minutes.
Katie did not know what else to say so she took her backstreet boys CD out of her backpack and started to opean it. Nick was watchin' he do this and his eyes got really wide. after she was done unwrapping it she said, "Have you ever heard of this group of guys, ummm... the Backstreet boys I think, yea."
Nick was getting very anxious to she what else she would say so he simply just said, "yea."
Nick was still watchin' her as she examined the cover and the inside booklet. She looked down at the booklet then at him then down at the booklet again and at him once more.
Then she said, "Oh my..... About this group of yours?"
He said, "yes?"
"Do they happen to be The Backtreet Boys?"
He said, "yes."
" So you are a member of the Backstreet Boys?"
He said, "yes".
There as a short pause then she looked up at him and smiled a very sexy simle and replied, "Neat".
Her smile faded once she remembered that he said that is group was "nothin' much".
"What wrong?" He asked.
"Nick, so you lied to me?"
"I'm so sorry. I just did'nt want to to like me as a friend because I famous. I want you to like me for who I am not what I do," he explained
She got kinda upset when he said the word "friend".
"Ohh, I understand," She told him.
Then they both smiled and she went to hug him. He hugged her back for about 10 seconds. He thought 'Gee, I could get used to this.'
They made small talk here and there and they noticed that they had a ton of things in common. They both liked the color green, had the same exact car and they both loved to play all kinds of sports.
Then Mrs Carter and her mom turned around and they were holding a picture.
Jane and Colleene just smiled and gave the picture to Nick. He examined it for a second and then said, "Wow, is this y-" he was cut off because Katie grabed the picture from him and she looked at it. She started to giggle.
"Yup, thats me and you in the tub," She finally said. Nick tried to grab it back but she stoped him and said, "I don't wnt you to look this- I'm naked!" She said between giggles.
"Ohh.... come on," He said pouting.
"No, no, no, no Nick-Nack you cant see it," and with that she stuffed it into her backpack.
"What did you just call me?" he asked.....

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