Fun on Vacation! Chapter 3!

"Nick-Nack, don't you like it I thought you shold have a nickname, huh??"
He smiled thinking how sweet it was that she made up a name for him.
"Yea I love it, kitty-kat" (*AN: Another nickname of hers is Kat*)
"So thats my new name, huh?" She smiled
"Yea" "Buckle your seatblets, we are prepairing to land," The piolet said over the loudspeaker. after that everyone clapped and cheered. Nick and Katie thought at the same time that this is going to be a wonderful summer. They were on one of the main islands in the bahamas- Marsh Harbor. They will have to ake a ferry ride to Dolphin Island.
Everyone got off the plain. Nick held katies hand to help her down the last step. She smiled shyly and said "thank you". She normaly is'nt shy at all. she is a total flirt- but in a good way- that is. She just needs some more thime to get to know Nick because shes shy.
"Boy, its hot ," Nick commented to Patrick.
"Yea, thats how it is out here," he replied.
"So, how far away is our house from yours, Colleen??" Jane asked
"Oh it right next door about 50 km," Colleen replied.
"How about the Huningtons and the Carters have a big meal for dinner tonight. Just like old times," Bob stated.
"Sure that would be great," Colleen and Patrick agreed.
"O.K how about around 7 pm at our cottage?" Jane stated
"Sounds good to me,"Colleen said
They got their stuff and got out of that small airport and walked tward the boat dock makeing small talk.
'Why is Nick so quiet? He must be board. Why would'nt he be? I mean he does'nt like me as much as i think i like him', Katie thought. Then she decided to go over to him and talk.
"Hey Nick, whats up?" she asked
"Not much, just thinking" 'about how cute, funny, ineresting you are' He wanted to tell her that he liked her but he was shy around her since he only just met her.
"oh." With that she said nothin' else till they got to the ferry. She was thinking'I knew it he thinks i'm like a ditz or something. He wont even talk to me when I start up a conversation. I mean, it was fine on the plane. He gave me a nick name and all.'
They all got to the ferry and borded it. It was stopping at many differnet small islands. There were alot of people on board. There as a bunch of teenage guys on it also.
Katie went to the side of the ferry to look out in the water. 'God its so beautiful out here.'
Nick was watching her from her seat when he nothiced a group of about 5 guys checkin' her out and whistleing. He got extremely jealous and Gave them a look that said "Back off...she's mine!". They saw the look and gave him a "God your lucky, shes fine".
Nick was pleased with himself and he walked over by her to make sure that the guys would'nt do anything else. They just stood there in sclience thill the ferry was at the dock at Dolphin Island. The two familes headed back to their houses to get ready for the "formal" dinner party....

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