Fun on Vacation! Chapter 5!

"Wow you look good, Katie," Angel commented. Angel thought Katie was the coolest person and she wished to have her as a big sister.
"Thanks,"Katie said back.
Everyone was in the kitchen of the Carters cottege. The table was set and the food smelled so good. It was an Italian feast. Garlic bread, meat balls, spagetti, and salid.
"Nick get down here, you're being rude." Jane called up the stairs to her son.
A few minutes later Nick came down the stairs wearing a nice pair of Kackis (sp?) and a "Tommy" shirt. He was wearing his gravity calonge that smelled so good. Katie could smell it over the table.
Over dinner the two familes talked about what they ere going to do this summer. The were going to explore the islands in the Hunintons boat, suba dive and just have fun. after dinner Nick called Kaie aside...
"Kate, could you come over here, please?" Nick asked.
"Sure..Whats up?"
"Well... Ummm..i. was if you would want to go for a walk on the beach."
"You read my mind, Nick-Nack," Katie said smileing.
They got out of the house and headed tward the beach. It was a rather warm night and you could smell the scent of tropical flowers in the air.
"Is'nt it nice out here?" Katie told Nick
"Yeah, it sure is."
They were justwalking along the beach looking at the stars.
"Katie, I'm real glad I came. I can tell we are going to be great friends."
There was that dreaded word that Katie freaed. Friends. So she finally made up her mind that Nick did'nt like her the way she liked him. So she decided to jump on the chance to become friends with such a nneat guy.
"Yea, I'm glad you came too. Listen, do you want to go scuba diveing tomorrow?" Katie asked she could see Nicks eyes light up when she said "sucba diving".
"Yea, that would be soooooo cool....ohhh..wait....I can't and neither can you." Nick said
"Why not?"Katie said sadily.
"Because you are coming with me to the airport-" Nick said and he could'nt get the chance to finish his sentence because katie cut him off...
"You're leaving?" Katie said about to cry.
"No, no, no, no... My friend, Brian Litterl, is comming to visit for a little while. He's from the Backstreet Boys also.
Katie then, acting sarcastic, said,"Ohh, wow I got two of the hottest guys in the world all to myself," she said playfully pushing nick in the sand.
"Ohhh you are so gonna get it kitty-kat," and wih that Nick got up and chased Katie down the beach. When he finally cought up to her he picked her up and slung her over his sholder.
Katie was kicking and giggleing and saying jokeingly, "No, I don't belong in the arms of Nick Carter. He's to good for me." After she said that he tightened his grip on her and he was headed tward the water.
Katie saw him going to the water and got serious now, "Nick no, please, I have on my new really expensive dress."
Nick stopped and then said, "Ok fine, kat, but you better watch out." He put her down and then they walked back to their own houses to fall asleep thinking about what the next day might bring.

E-mail Felicity, and let her know what you think.

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