Fun on Vacation! Chapter 6!

Katie woke up to the pounding on her window right next to her bed. She wasn't a morning person so she was really pissed off.
She went over to the window to find it was her pal, Nick Carter. Suddenly she got in a real better mood. She said, "Hi, Nick-Nack whats up."
Nick said looking at he straingly and grinning, "Katie, airport, brian, remember??"
Katie then just realized that she was in her pj's. She was wearing a lavender sports bra and some pink panties. She then quickly went closer to him and covered his eye with her hands. She then told him, "Nick when I remove my hands your eyes will be closed and you will go and wait for me in the kitchen and i will be down there in 10 minutes tops, ok?"
Nick sighed and then said, "Ok, ok but hurry up" Then he left her room
Katie put on her striped green blue and red haulter top an a pair of short-shorts that were cut-offs. She then put her hair in a high pony-tail and left her long banges out and put them behind her ears. When she was done with that she ran down stairs to find Nick talking with her mom. When Nick saw her he smirked and smiled really big. she new what that was about- him seeing her in her pj's. She just gave him a look as if to say, ''Shut up or i'll punch your lights out". Suddenly his expression faded.
she turned to her confused mom and said, "Mom nick and I are going to take the boat to the air-port to pick up his friend Brian. We'll be back after lunch."
"O.k deary, be careful and let Nick drive the boat. I know that you can't drive it to well because the last time you almost crashed."
Katie looked over at Nick. she saw that nick was trying not to laugh. Then she looked back at her mom.
"Alright, but I don't guarentee that Nick won't crash it."
Nick let out a "Heyyy," tring to sound hurt
Then they left after saying bye to Colleen.

Chapter 6
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