Finding Love Within A Tragedy! Chapter 1!

"Nick, slow down, man. You're driving way too fast. You're gonna get us killed," Brian said. Brian and Nick were best friends. They were late for a dinner they had to go to, to discuss plans for their up coming album; Millennium.

"Sorry B-Rok, but Donna's gonna get super pissed if we're late," Nick said, worried. It would be the 6th time he was late that week and he didn't feel like gettin' yelled at again.


"So, what movies do you wanna get at Blockbuster?" Megan asked her best friend Meggie.

"It really doesn't matter to me, as long as it's good," Meggie said, applying lip stick.


"Nick, I suggest you slow down. There's a stop sign up ahead," Brian told Nick.

"Don't worry 'bout it Bri, I never see anyone around here, I'll just drive through," Nick said, speeding up.

Brian got a gut wrenching feeling in his stomach. "OK, but maybe you should slow down, just in case."

"Frick, would you calm down?" Nick asked, looking at Brian.

"NICK, WATCH OUT!" Brian screamed, shielding his head with his hands. Horns honked, metal crashed and tires squeeled. "Oh my God, Nick,"Brian said, turning to Nick. "Nick? Yo, Nicky? Oh shit. A pulse Check for pulse. Thank God, there's a pulse. Where's my cell? Floor. Yes, I need a couple ambulances, there's been an accident. On 58th St. and Roger Rd. 2 cars. Please hurry," Bri hung up and got out of the car He looked through the window of the other car. He opened up the door and checked for pulses on the 2 girls. They were both alive.

The girl in the driver's seat started waking up. "What the...? Where am I? Who are you? What am I doing here?" she flooded him with questions.

"You got into a car accident, I'm Brian Littrell. Are you hurt?" Bri answered and asked.

"My head hurts a bit, but I'll be fine. I'm Megan Barlow and this is Meggie Jones," she said, turning to her unconcious friend. "Oh no, Meggie, wake up!"

"Don't worry, she has a pulse. I've already called the ambulance and thier on their way," Brian said, helping Megan out of the car.

"OW, B-ROK, WHERE ARE YOU?" Nick shouted.

"Right over here buddy, what's wrong?" Brian asked, concerned.

"A lot, but I'll live. Who's she?" Nick asked, pointing to the girl beside him.

"Nick, this is Megan Barlow, the driver of the other car. Megan, this is Nick Carter," Brian introduced.

"Nice to meet you. Too bad it had to be this way. I'm sorry for causing the accident, I hope you're ok," Nick said, apoligetically.

"I'm fine, I just hope Meggie is. I'm really worried about her. She should have woken up," Megan said, tears forming in her eyes.

"You mean, there's someone else?" Nick asked, worried.

"Yeah, she's still in the car. Her name is Meggie Jones, she's still in the car. She looks around your age, 19," Megan informed Nick.

He started walking towards the car with Meg and Brian not far behind. He opened up the passenger door. He found a cloth from the dash boardand wiped blood off of her face. He then brushed hair out of her face and grabbed her hand, he sat there praying for her life. "I'm so sorry I did this to you, Meggie. You don't know me, but my name is Nick. I want you to know that I am gonna be here with you through all of this. Not just because I feel guilty, because I feel the need to protect you. And I will, I promise. Oh God, I hope you wake up soon."

Hearing what Nick was saying to a complete stranger, her best friend, made Meg cry. She, too, hoped her friend pulled through, just as much as Nick. She couldn't help but think of the two of them as a couple. They did look cute together. But Meggie had a boyfriend. It just seemed so right for them to be together. Like soul mates or something. The ambulances pulled up and Meggie was put onto a stretcher. "Son, would you like to go with your girlfriend?" the paramedic asked.

Nick turned to Megan. "Would you mind?" he asked, with a hopeful look on his face.

"No, not at all. Just don't let her go," Megan ordered.

"I promise you, she's not goin' no where," Nick said, crossing his heart. He climbed into the ambulance and stayed by Meggie protecting her, just like he said he would. "What's wrong with her?"

"Your girlfriend's dropped into a coma. We don't know how long it would be, but the accident's not that bad so we're hoping it won't be that long. But we're never sure," he said, sadly.

"Is there anything we could possibly do to make her wake up faster?" Nick asked, hoping their was something.

"Just talk to her. She can hear your every word. Show her that you care, you want her to wake up. It will stregthen her," the paramedic said.

"Definatly, will do," Nick walked into the waiting room and sat down, waiting for Brian and Megan.

"Nick, how is she?" Bri asked, walking in.

"She's in a comma, the paramedics are hoping that it's not that fatal, but we have to wait for the docter's opinion," Nick explained to Megan and Brian. "Megan, I am so sorry I did this to your best friend and I would give anything to have her wake up."

"Nick, accident's happen, everyone was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Guilt won't wake her up," Megan comforted Nick.

" I don't just feel guilty for putting her in here, but also because the paramedics kept referring to me as her boyfriend, and I didn't even bother correcting him. Maybe I didn't because the idea isn't that bad. What am I saying? She's in a comma, and I'm talking about going out with her. I'm such an asshole," Nick said, looking down.

"Don't feel bad Nick. I even thought about the two of you getting together. You guys would look cute together. I think Meggie would like you too. She's a really nice person. She has a boyfriend right now, but things aren't really working out between them. We moved down here about a month ago and her boyfriend was transfered to Sweden. Any other questions?" Megan asked Nick.

"Birthday? Parents? Siblings? Birthplace? Hobbies? Anything," Nick listed.

"Her B-day is March 14th. Her parents are Jason, 40, and Samantha, 39. She has 4 brothers; Paul, 21, Rick, 17, David, 12, and Bruce, 8. She has 2 sisters Danielle, 15, and Tia, 10. She was born in LA. Her hobbies are playing video games, especially Mario Kart and Rush, she loves music, her faves are Offspring, Green Day, Nirvana, Puffy, Mase, The Lox, Jay-Z, 112, stuff like that. She loves TV especially shows like Dawson's Creek, 90210, and Party of Five, but her fave show is South Park. She loves Teletubbies and Winnie the Pooh. She's got a strong personality. She hates the Spice Girls, but she very much believes in Girl Power. She would never let a guy push her around. She's hoping to become a professional choreographer. That's about it," Megan said, looking closely at Nick and Brian.

"Are you all with Meggie Jones?" a docter asked, approaching them. Everyone nodded their head. "Well, Meggie's awake, but I've got some bad news. She hit her head pretty badly and is suffering from amnesia. All she remembers is a promise someone made to her. To protect her. She has to stay here overnight, but she can go home tomorrow morning. Will she be staying with one of you?"

"Yes, with me," Megan spoke up.

"Could you come with me? You two could go see her. She's in Room 5. Try to answer her questions as best as possible, but don't confuse her," the doc ordered.

Chapter 2
