Finding Love Within a Tragedy! Chapter 2!

Nick and Brian walked in silence down the hall until Bri spoke. "You're nervous, aren't you Nicky?"

"Yes, I am. I'm actually gonna talk to her, Bri. What if she hates me for doing this to her?" Nick asked, worried.

"She's not gonna hate you. Kaos, you really like her, don't you?" Brian asked.

"Well B-Rok, I like what I know. I like it alot. From what Meg said, she's really nice, she's good looking, we share some of the same interests. Yo, we're here, should we knock?" Nick asked, figeting. Bri answered by knocking.

"Come on in."

"Meggie? Hey, how are you feelin'?" Nick asked, walking by her side.

"Alright, I guess. I don't mean to sound rude, but who are you?" Meggie asked, confused.

"My name is Nick Carter and this is Brian Littrell. You may hate me after I tell you this, but I'm the jerk who put you in here. You didn't know us before the accident," Nick explained to her, holding her hand.

"I don't hate you. You couldn't have planned this out. I just wish I could remember who made that promise to me," Meggie said, rubbing her head.

"I was the one. And I meant it. I'm gonna protect you through everything," Nick said, smiling warmly.

"Is there any possible way your my boyfriend?" Meggie asked him.

"Boy, do I wish there was a way, but you have yourself a boyfriend that lives in Sweden," Nick said, squeezing her hand.

"Oh," Meggie said quietly, disapointed.

"Megan said you guys weren't gettin' along so well, though," Nick told her.

"Who's Megan?" Meggie asked, sighing.

"I am," Meg said, from the door way. "I'm your best friend and your comin' home with me eventually."

"Oh, that's cool. Where are my parents?" Meggie wondered, looking around the room.

"They're back in your birthplace, LA. They'll be comin' down here tomorrow for a little while," Megan answered, standing opposite Nick.

"And where exactly is here?" Meggie asked.

"Here is Ruskin, Florida. We moved here a couple months ago to a big house on the beach," Megan said.

Meggie looked around the room. She was still holding Nick's hand. She wished she could be with him. She believed he was an angel sent to her from God. He seemed to perfect to be true and yet he was real. She only wished she could keep him. Her best friend was to her left, keeping an eye on her, making sure she was alright. Brian was still standing at the door. He hadn't said one word to her. He seemed really shy. "Brian, why don't you come and join the conversation? I don't bite," Meggie said, trying to get him to loosen up.

Brian walked up beside Megan. "Hi Meggie. How's it goin'? Stupid question. I'm sorry, it's just that Nick was all nervous to meet you because he likes you so much and then you guys started getting along great so I was all nevous that you wouldn't like me. Relax Nick, I wasn't tryin' to make a move on your girl, but I do want her to like me as a friend so I just hung back," Brian said to Meggie.

"Oh please, don't be nervous. I like you as a friend," Meggie told him.

"Okay everyone, visiting time is over. Meggie needs her sleep," the nurse said.

"Alright, bye Meggie. Get a good night's sleep, cause you're comin' home soon and you've got a lot to remember. Good night," Megan said, hugging her friend before leaving.

"Feel better in the morning Meggie, we'll be in the waiting room, Nick," Brian said, hugging Meggie also.

"You gonna be ok here by yourself?" Nick asked, sweetly.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Meggie said.

"Alright, I'll be here first thing tomorrow morning. Good night," he gave Meggie a long hug and then a kiss on the cheek. He walked away slowly. "Sweet dreams, baby." He walked into the waiting room, looking sad and alone.

"Hey Nick, Meg just invited us over to her house for some coffee. You comin'?" Brian asked Nick.

"Yeah, I guess so," Nick answered.

Chapter 3
