Finding Love Within a Tragedy! Chapter 3!

When they arrived at Megan's house, everyone went to the kitchen. Nick and Brian took seats at the table and Meg started making coffee. "Are you guys hungry?" she asked.

"Yeah, starving," Bri said.

"K, I'll order some pizza," Meg said, picking up the phone. Once she ordered, she and the guys went into the living room. "You guys, I've got a really serious question to ask. I'll understand if you say no, but I was wondering if you guys would stay with Meggie and I until Meggie is better?" Meg asked.

"Well, I dunno. I guess we could. What do you say, Nick?" Bri asked his best friend.

"That's great, then I can spend more time with Meggie. Are you sure you have enough room?" Nick asked, excited.

"Yeah, we've got 15 rooms," Meg answered. Just then the doorbell rang and Meg went to go get the pizza. They all ate their pizza and talked about about little things, to find out more about each other. At about midnight, Nick and Brian left. They went home and packed their things for the two weeks they were staying at Meggie's and Meg's.

Chapter 4
