Finding Love Within a Tragedy! Chapter 4!

The next week:

That morning, everyone arrived at Meg's house at about 8:00. They were just on the way out to pick up Meggie when the phone rang. Megan went to get it, and she came back with a sad expression on her face. "Bad news."

"Oh no, what happened to my girl?" Nick asked, all worried.

"Nick, calm down. Nothin' happened to Meggie, but unfortunatly, Danny, her boyfriend, is comin' here and he'll be here at about noon. He wants to make sure Meggie remembers him," Megan said, sadly.

"Shit. Why the fuck did this happen now? I really like her, but now, this Danny fag is gonna come and ruin it all," Nick complaned.

"Let's go get Meggie," Meg said.

Chapter 5
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